Part 11 (2/2)
Jacobi's Werke, 1770, I, pp. 127 ff.
_Allg. deutsche Bibl._, XIX, 2, p. 174; XII, 2, p. 279.
Julian Schmidt: ”Aus der Zeit der Lorenzodosen,” _Westermann's Monatshefte_, XLIX, pp. 479 ff.
The last article is popular and only valuable in giving letters of Wieland and others which display the emotional currents of the time. It has very little to do with the Lorenzodosen.]
[Footnote 4: The letter is reprinted in Jacobi's Works, 1770, I, pp. 31 ff., and in an abridged form in the edition of 1807, I, pp.
103 ff.; and in the edition of Zurich, 1825, I, pp. 270-275.]
[Footnote 5: XI, 2, pp. 174-75.]
[Footnote 6: _Quellen und Forschungen_, XXII, p. 127.]
[Footnote 7: _Ibid._, II, pp. 52-53.]
[Footnote 8: This was in a letter to Jacobi October 25, 1770, though Appell gives the date 1775--evidently a misprint.]
[Footnote 9: Review of ”Trois lettres francoises par quelques allemands,” Amsterdam (Berlin), 1769, 8vo, letters concerned with Jacobi's ”Winterreise” and the snuff-boxes themselves.]
[Footnote 10: XII, 2, p. 279.]
[Footnote 11: Longo was unable to find one of these once so popular snuff-boxes,--a rather remarkable fact. There is, however, a picture of one at the end of the chapter ”Yorick,” p. 15 in Gochhausen's M . . . . R . . . .,--a small oval box. Emil Kuh, in his life of Fredrich Hebbel (1877, I, pp. 117-118) speaks of the Lorenzodose as ”dreieckig.” A chronicler in Schlichtegroll's ”Nekrolog,” 1792, II, p. 51, also gives rumor of an order of ”Sanftmuth und Toleranz, der eine dreyeckigte Lorenzodose zum Symbol fuhrte.” The author here is unable to determine whether this is a part of Jacobi's impulse or the initiative of another.]
[Footnote 12: Fourth Edition. Berlin and Stettin, 1779, III, p. 99.]
[Footnote 13: ”Christopher Kaufmann, der Kraftapostel der Geniezeit” von Heinrich Duntzer, _Historisches Taschenbuch_, edited by Fr. v. Raumer, third series, tenth year, Leipzig, 1859, pp. 109-231. Duntzer's sources concerning Kaufmann's life in Stra.s.sburg are Schmohl's ”Urne Johann Jacob Mochels,” 1780, and ”Johann Jacob Mochel's Reliquien verschiedener philosophischen padogogischen poetischen und andern Aufsatze,” 1780. These books have unfortunately not been available for the present use.]
[Footnote 14: For account of Leuchsenring see Varnhagen van Ense, ”Vermischte Schriften”, I. 492-532.]
[Footnote 15: Schlichtegroll's ”Nekrolog,” 1792, II, pp. 37 ff.
There is also given here a quotation written after Sterne's death, which is of interest:
”Wir erben, Yorick, deine Dose, Auch deine Feder erben wir; Doch wer erhielt im Erbschaftsloose Dein Herz? O Yorick, nenn ihn mir!”]
[Footnote 16: Works of Friedrich von Matthison, Zurich, 1825, III, pp. 141 ff., in ”Erinnerungen,” zweites Buch. The ”Vaterlandische Besuche” were dated 1794.]
[Footnote 17: Briefe von Friedrich Matthison, Zurich, 1795, I, pp.
[Footnote 18: Shandy, III, 22.]
[Footnote 19: Briefe, II, p. 95.]
[Footnote 20: ”Herders Briefwechsel mit seiner Braut”, pp. 92, 181, 187, 253, 377.]
[Footnote 21: Quoted by Koberstein, IV, p. 168. Else, p. 31; Hettner, III, 1, p. 362, quoted from letters in Friedrich Schlegel's _Deutsches Museum_, IV, p. 145. These letters are not given by Goedeke.]
[Footnote 22: The review is credited to him by Koberstein, III, pp. 463-4.]