Part 3 (1/2)

[Footnote 27: This article is not to be confused with Garve's well-known article published in the same magazine, LXI, pp. 51-77 (1798).]

[Footnote 28: IV, St. 2, pp. 376-7.]

[Footnote 29: This is from the February number, 1767, of the _Monthly Review_. (Vol. x.x.xVI, p. 102.)]

[Footnote 30: The seventh and eighth volumes of Shandy, English edition, are reviewed in the first number of a short-lived Frankfurt periodical, _Neue Auszuge aus den besten auslandischen Wochen und Monatsschriften_, 1765. _Unterhaltungen_, a magazine published at Hamburg and dealing largely with English interests, notes the London publication of the spurious ninth volume of Shandy (Vol. II, p. 152, August, 1766). _Die Brittische Bibliothek_, another magazine consisting of English reprints and literary news, makes no mention of Sterne up to 1767.

Then in a catalogue of English books sold by Casper Fritsch in Leipzig, Shandy is given, but without the name of the author.

There is an account of Sterne's sermons in the _Neue Hamburgische Zeitung_, April, 1768.]

[Footnote 31: Mendelssohn's Schriften, edited by Prof. Dr. G. B.

Mendelssohn. Leipzig, Brockhaus, 1844. Vol. V, p. 171.]

[Footnote 32: Kurschner edition of Lessing's works, III, 2, pp.

156-157. See also ”Lessing und die Englander” by Josef Caro in _Euphorion_, VI, pp. 489 ff. Erich Schmidt made the statement in his life of Lessing in the edition of 1884, but corrected it later, in the edition of 1899, probably depending on parallel pa.s.sages drawn from Paul Albrecht's ”Lessing's Plagiate” (Hamburg and Leipzig, 1888-1891), an extraordinary work which by its frequent absurdity and its viciousness of attack forfeits credence in its occasional genuine discoveries.]

[Footnote 33: Lessing. ”Geschichte seines Lebens und seiner Schriften.” Berlin, 1884, I, pp. 174, 465. This is omitted in the latest edition.]

[Footnote 34: Perry (Thomas Sargeant) ”From Opitz to Lessing.”

Boston, 1885, p. 162.]

[Footnote 35: Quoted by Lichtenberg in ”Gottingischer Taschenkalender,” 1796, p. 191. ”Vermischte Schriften,” VI, p. 487.]

[Footnote 36: Lachmann edition, Berlin, 1840. Vol. XII, p. 240.]

[Footnote 37: XIII, pp. 209-10.]

[Footnote 38: XVII, pp. 30-45. The article is reprinted in the Hempel edition of Lessing, XVII, pp. 263-71.]

[Footnote 39: Nicolai uses the German word for colonel, a t.i.tle which Uncle Toby never bore.]

[Footnote 40: R. Haym. ”Herder nach seinem Leben und seinen Werken.” I, p. 413.]

[Footnote 41: Haym, I, p. 261.]

[Footnote 42: Herder's ”Briefe an Joh. Georg Hamann,” ed. by Otto Hoffmann, Berlin, 1889, p. 25, or ”Lebensbild” II, p. 140.]

[Footnote 43: ”Briefe an Hamann,” p. 27.]

[Footnote 44: Lebensbild II (I, 2), p. 256; also in Hamann's Schriften, ed. by Roth. Berlin, 1822, III, p. 372. Hamann asks Herder to remind his publisher, when the latter sends the promised third part of the ”Fragmente,” to inclose without fail the engraving of Sterne, because the latter is absolutely essential to his furnis.h.i.+ngs.]

[Footnote 45: See Suphan I, p. 163; II, p. 46.]

[Footnote 46: Suphan III, pp. 170, 223, 233, 277, 307.]

[Footnote 47: Briefe an Hamann, p. 49.]

[Footnote 48: . . . . in Auszug aus den Werken verschiedener Schriftsteller von Friedrich Just Riedel, Jena, 1767. The chapter cited is pp. 137 ff.]

[Footnote 49: I, p. 106.]