Part 48 (1/2)
”Shut your mouth,” said Stanhelm. The henchman lifted his hand as if to strike, but suddenly several other forge men moved in on either side of him. Some of them held bits of iron sc.r.a.p, heavy and sharp-edged.
”You heard,” one of them growled quietly at Inch's man. ”Shut your mouth.”
The man looked around, judging his chances. ”You'll pay pretty when Doctor hears. He'll be done with that'un in a moment.”
”Then go watch,” spat another of the forge workers. The men seemed frightened, but somehow they had drawn a line: if they were not yet willing to fight back against the hulking overseer, neither would they stand by and see Inch's crony harm Simon or Stanhelm. The henchman cursed and backed off, then hurried to the safety of his master's vicinity.
”Now, lad,” Stanhelm whispered. ”Look to yon wheel.”
Dizzied by all that was happening, Simon stared at the forge man as he tried to make sense out of his words. Then he turned slowly and saw.
The great wooden paddlewheel had been lifted up so that it hung almost twice a man's height above the watercourse. Inch, who had pursued floundering Guthwulf a short way down the sluice, now stood beneath the wheel.
Stanhelm extended a bent and shaking arm. ”There. Them are the works.”
Simon struggled to his feet and took a few shaky steps toward the vast framework. The lever which he had seen Inch use was c.o.c.ked, secured by a rope. Simon slowly tugged the rope free, straining his burning muscles and cramped hands, then grasped the lever itself in slippery, numbed fingers. Inch had pushed Guthwulf under again; he watched his victim's suffering with calm interest. The blind man was floundering away from his tormentor, toward Simon, and now appeared to be beyond the wheel's rim.
Simon said the few words of the Elysia prayer that he could remember, then heaved on the wooden lever. It moved only slightly, but the frame that held the wheel groaned. Inch looked up and around, then gradually turned his monocular gaze toward Simon.
”Kitchen boy! You ...”
Simon heaved again, this time lifting his feet from the ground so that all his weight hung on the lever. He screamed with the pain of holding on. The frame groaned again, then, with a grating squeal, the lever banged down and the wheel shuddered and dropped into the sluice with a thunderous splash. Inch tried to dive forward out of the way, but disappeared beneath the huge paddles.
For a moment nothing moved in the whole cavern but the wheel, which began, slowly, to revolve. Then, as if the frothing channel gave birth to a monster, Inch burst to the surface howling in anger, water running from his wide-stretched mouth.
”Doctor!” he spluttered, waving his fist. he spluttered, waving his fist. ”Can't kill me! Not Doctor Inch!” ”Can't kill me! Not Doctor Inch!” Simon slumped to the ground. He had done all he could. Simon slumped to the ground. He had done all he could.
Inch took a slos.h.i.+ng step forward, then began to fly. Simon stared, overwhelmed. The world had run entirely mad.
Inch's body lifted out of the water. Only when all of him was in view could Simon see that the foundry-master's broad belt had somehow caught on the fittings of one of the vast paddle blades.
The waterwheel bore Inch upward. The giant was in a frenzy now, bellowing as he was manhandled by something even larger than he was. He twisted at the end of the blade, struggling to free himself, reaching back to smash at the wooden paddle with his fist. As the wheel swung him up toward the top of its rotation, he reached out for the great chains which twined around its axle and climbed up out of sight into the shadows of the cavern ceiling. Inch's huge hands grasped the slippery links. He clung tightly. As they pulled upward past the wheel, he was stretched to his utmost for an instant. Then the buckle of his belt snapped loose and he fell free of the paddle. He clung to the ma.s.sive chain with both his arms and legs.
Inch was still not coherent, but his echoing roar changed to a note of triumph as the chains carried him slowly upward. He swung away from the wheel so he could drop into the water below, but when he let go, he fell only a little way and then tipped over. He slammed against the chain and dangled, head downward. His foot had slid through the center of one of the wide, oily links and was wedged there.
The overseer thrashed, trying to pull himself up to free his foot. Howling and sputtering, he tore his own leg b.l.o.o.d.y, but he could not drag his weight high enough. The chain carried him up toward the unseen heights.
His cries grew fainter as he vanished into the shadows overhead, then a horrendous agonized cry echoed down, a rasping gargle with nothing human in it. The wheel lurched in its rotation for a moment and stopped, bouncing a little from side to side as the current pushed at the immobilized paddle blades. Then the wheel began to turn again, forcing the obstruction through the monumental grinding gears that turned Pryrates' tower-top. A drizzle of dark fluids rained down. Bits of something more solid spattered across the waterway.
Moments later, what remained of Inch slowly descended into the light, wrapped around the huge chain like meat on a cooking skewer.
Simon stared idiotically for a moment, then bent, retching, but there was nothing in his stomach to bring up.
Someone was patting his head. ”Run, lad, if you got place to go. Red priest'll come quick. His tower stopped turning for a good long time when wheel was up.”
Simon squinted against the black flecks that danced before his eyes, fighting to make sense of things. ”Stanhelm,” he gasped. ”Come with us.”
”Can't. Nothing left of me.” Stanhelm gestured with his chin at his twisted, badly-healed legs. ”Me and others'll keep the rest shut up. Say Inch had a bit of accident. King's soldiers won't do us badly-they need us. You run. Didn't belong here.”
”n.o.body belongs here,” Simon gasped. ”I'll come back for you.”
”Won't be here.” Stanhelm turned away. ”Go on now.”
Simon clambered to his feet and stumbled toward the watercourse, pain arrowing through him with every step. A pair of forge workers had lifted Guthwulf out of the water; the blind man lay on the cavern floor, struggling for air. The men who had saved him stared, but did nothing further to help. They seemed curiously numbed and slow, like fish in a winter pond.
Simon bent and tugged at Guthwulf. The last of the strength Maegwin's sacrifice had lent him was eddying away.
”Guthwulf! Can you get up?”
The earl flailed his hands. ”Where is it? G.o.d help me, where is it?”
”Where is what? Inch is dead. Get up! Hurry! Where do we go?”
The blind man choked and spat water. ”Can't go! Not without ...” He rolled over and forced himself up onto hands and knees, then began scrabbling along the ground beside the watercourse, pawing as though to dig himself a hole.
”What are you doing?”
”Can't leave it. I'll die. Can't leave it.” Suddenly, Guthwulf gave an animal cry of joy. ”Here!”
”Aedon's mercy, Guthwulf, Pryrates will be here any moment!”
Guthwulf took a few staggering steps. He lifted something that reflected a yellow strip of torchlight. ”I should never have brought it,” he babbled. ”But I needed something to cut the rope.” He gasped in more air. ”They all want to take it.”
Simon stared at the long blade. Even in the shadowy forge chamber, he knew it. Against all sense, against all likelihood ... here was the sword they had sought.
”Bright-Nail,” he murmured.
The blind man suddenly lifted his free hand. ”Where are you?”
Simon took a few painful steps closer. ”I'm here. We have to go. How did you get here? How did you come to this place?”
”Help me.” Guthwulf put out his arm.
Simon took it. ”Where can we go?”
”Toward the water. Where the water goes down.” He began to limp along the edge of the channel. The forge workers drifted back to let them pa.s.s, watching with nervous interest.
”You're free!” Simon croaked at them. ”Free!” They stared at him as though he spoke a foreign tongue.
But how are they free, unless they follow us? The forges are still locked, the doors still barred. We should help them. We should lead them out. them out.
Simon had no strength left. Beside him, Guthwulf was mumbling, shuffling his feet like a lame old man. How could they save anyone? The forge workers would have to make their own way.
The water ran foaming down through a fissure in the cavern wall. As Guthwulf felt his way along the stone, Simon was momentarily certain that the blind earl had lost what few wits he had left-that they had escaped drowning once, but would now be washed down into blackness. But there was a narrow track along the edge of the watercourse, one that Simon could never have found in the shadows. Guthwulf, to whom light was useless, made his way downward, tracking the wall with his fingers as Simon struggled to help him and still remain balanced. They pa.s.sed out of the last gleams of torchlight and into blackness. The water churned noisily beside them.