Part 43 (1/2)

Wait and Hope Horatio Alger 19510K 2022-07-22

You need have no apprehension about him. It would be very foolish for him to resign his situation.”

Chapter XXVIII

Sam Praises Ben

The same mail that carried the bookkeeper's letter to Mrs. Bradford also carried a letter from Ben to Sam Archer. It ran thus:

”Sam Archer: You might be in better business than telling lies about me to my aunt. If you think I look dissipated your eyes deceive you, and I advise you to wear the next time you come to Boston.

If you choose to come to the store, it is none of my business; but you need not take the trouble in order to see me.

I quite understand your anxiety to get me back into the mill. There was a time when I should have been glad of a place there; but now I have a place that suits me better, and don't care to change.

”Benjamin Bradford”

When Sam received this letter, he looked and felt provoked.

Somehow or other Ben was always getting the better of him. He wanted to injure him, but there seemed no way. Suddenly it occurred to Sam that he might prejudice Jones & Porter against our hero.

He sat down at once and wrote them an anonymous letter, of which this is a copy:

”Messrs. Jones & Porter: I hear that you have taken into your employment a boy named Benjamin Bradford from this town. You probably are not aware that he has a very bad reputation here. He was employed in the mill for a time, but was discharged because he was idle and lazy. He keeps bad company, and none of the respectable boys here cared to a.s.sociate with him. I don't like to see an honorable firm imposed upon, and that is why I warn you of the character of your new clerk, though I have no personal interest in the matter.

”A Friend”

The next day Ben was summoned to the countingroom.

”Ben,” said Mr. Porter, ”have you any enemy in Milltown?”

”Yes, sir.”

”We have just received a letter warning us against you, as unworthy of our confidence.”

Mr. Porter smiled, or Ben might have felt uncomfortable.

”May I see the letter?” he asked.

The letter was placed in his hands.

”It is Sam Archer's handwriting,” he said, looking up. ”I hope, sir, you won't let it prejudice you against me.”

”I would not allow myself to be influenced by an anonymous letter.

It is a stab in the dark.”

”I want to show you how inconsistent Sam is,” said Ben. ”He was here a few days ago, and urged me to give up my place here, and take one in the mill.”

”That is rather strange, if he is your enemy.”

”No, sir; he don't like it because I have a good place here. If I should go into the mill I should probably be discharged in a week or two, and cast adrift.”