Part 35 (1/2)

Wait and Hope Horatio Alger 14940K 2022-07-22

”Good morning, Bradford,” said Sam, eyeing our hero curiously.

”Are you going to work in the mill?”

”No,” said Ben shortly.

”Perhaps old Taylor will give you employment.”

”No doubt he would if he had occasion to employ any one. Mr.

Taylor is a gentleman.”

”Do you mean to say father isn't a gentleman?”

”You can draw your own conclusions.”

Ben was not quite an angel, though he was a manly boy, and he felt pugnacious.

”I've a great mind to knock you down,” said Sam.

”You may have the mind, but you haven't got the strength to do it,”

said Ben.

”I won't dirty my hands with touching you.”

”That's prudent, at any rate,” retorted Ben.

”You'd better go home and read your prize.”

”That's good advice, though it comes from a bad source,” returned Ben. ”It isn't needed, however, for I have been reading it. I can quote two lines--

”'Be not like dumb, driven cattle, Be like heroes in the strife.'”

”What do you mean by that?”

”I mean that you will find it hard to drive me.”

”Perhaps so, but I've done one thing,” boasted Sam.

”What's that?”

”I told father not to take you if you applied; and that's why you are going away with a flea in your ear.”

”I am not surprised to hear this,” he answered. ”Indeed, I am very glad to hear it.”

”You are glad to hear it?” repeated Sam, puzzled.


”I don't understand why you should be.”