Part 7 (1/2)
”He would on a short race; but your wind is better.”
”I am glad to win, for the sake of the money,” said Ben. ”I have lost my place at the factory, and my aunt depends on my earnings.”
”Then I am glad for you,” said Frank. ”I didn't need the money myself. If I had won, I would have given it to you, knowing your circ.u.mstances.”
”You are very kind,” said Ben gratefully.
”You may win another five dollars. I hope you will.”
”It will be rather hard on John Miles to lose two races and his money, too.”
”You needn't consider that. If I judge him rightly, he has self-conceit enough to carry him through a dozen defeats. He will have some excuse ready, you may be sure. He says he lost the first race by a sudden cramp. He has not more cramp than I.”
”There are little boys in line,” said Ben. ”I recognize Frank and Charlie Herman. Do you know the others?”
”I know nearly all. Next to Charlie Herman are Aleck Gale, Johnny Clarke, little Vanderhoef, Brooks Gulager, and Charlie Boyd. The end boy is Charlie Snedeker.”
”Who will win?”
”One of the Hermans, probably.”
The prediction proved correct.
Charles Herman can in first, leading his brother by a few feet.
”You ought to divide the prize with me, Charlie,” said Frank. ”I didn't like to beat my older brother, or I would have run ahead of you.”
”You didn't seem to hold back much,” said Charlie. ”However, I will be generous and give you a dollar. It will be all in the family.”
Proclamation was now made that a supplementary race would be run, for a prize of five dollars, offered by John Miles, the contestants being John Miles and Ben Bradford. The distance by request of Miles, was diminished to two hundred yards. John was shrewd enough to see that the shorter distance was more favorable to himself. Defeat had not diminished his good opinion of himself, not increased his respect for Ben.
”You gained the race by an accident,” he said to Ben, as they stood side by side, waiting for the signal.
”Perhaps I did,” replied Ben good-humoredly; ”all I can say is that it was a lucky accident for me.”
”Of course it was. You don't think you can run as fast as I can?”
”I can't tell yet. I will do my best.”
”You will have to. I have practiced running in a Boston gymnasium.”
”Then you have the advantage of me.”
”Of course I have. Besides, I am taller than you.”
”For all that, I mean to win your five dollars if I can.”
”My money is safe enough. I don't concern myself about that.”
”He has a tolerably comfortable opinion of himself,” thought Ben; ”I begin to want to beat him for something else than the money.”