Part 4 (1/2)

Wait and Hope Horatio Alger 21870K 2022-07-22

”Yes, I will, and thank you.”

”Then come round to the house as soon as you've got through dinner.”

”All right! I'll come.”

”I suppose you haven't found a place?” said Mrs. Bradford when Ben entered.

”Not yet.”

”I don't know what's going to become of us if you don't,” said Aunt Jane mournfully.

”Don't get discouraged so quick, aunt. I've only been looking round one forenoon. Besides, I've been offered a place, and declined it.”

”Declined it! What could you have been thinking of?”

Ben then told his aunt of the place at the druggist's. He thought he would not mention the others.

”If you'd taken it, we might have got our medicine cheaper,” said Aunt Jane, who did not comprehend a joke, and understood the offer literally.

”I should have got mine for nothing,” said Ben, laughing, ”and more than I wanted, too.”

”What pay would you get?”

”I didn't ask. The first pill the druggist offered me was too much for me. So I respectfully declined the position.”

”Pills are excellent for the const.i.tution,” said Mrs. Bradford, in a rather reproachful tone. ”I never could get you to take them, Benjamin. Some day you'll lose your life, perhaps, because you are so set against them.”

”I can't say I hanker after them, aunt,” said Ben good humoredly.

”However, you see, I might have had a place, so you mustn't get discouraged so quick.”

”Will you stay at home this afternoon, Ben?” asked little Tony.

”I can't Tony; I have an engagement with James Watson. Aunt Jane, if I am late to supper, don't be frightened.”

Ben found James ready and waiting. They set out at once.

Lovell's Grounds were situated a mile and a half away; they comprised several acres, sloping down to a pond, which was provided with pleasure boats. The grounds were frequently hired by parties from neighboring towns, having been fitted up especially for the enjoyment of a crowd. To-day they were engaged by a young people's a.s.sociation, and the program included, among other things, some athletic sports.

The grounds were pretty well filled when the two boys arrived. In fact, the performance had already commenced.

”You're just in time for the fun, boys,” said George Herman, a mutual acquaintance, coming up to meet them.

”Why, what's up George?”

”There is to be a fat man's race of two hundred yards, for a prize of five dollars.”

”Who are going to enter?”

”Tom Hayden, the landlord of the Milltown House, and Jim Morrison, the tailor. One weighs two hundred and fifty, the other two hundred and forty-three.”