Part 2 (1/2)

Wait and Hope Horatio Alger 15940K 2022-07-22

The small man's expression changed instantly.

”What do you know of the dry-goods trade?” he inquired.

”Nothing at present, but I could learn,” answered our hero.

”Then, I'll make you an offer.”

Ben brightened up.

”If you come into the store for nothing the first year, I'll give you two dollars a week the second.”

”Do you take me for a man of property?” asked Ben, disgusted.

The small man replied with a shrill, creaking laugh, sounding like the grating of a rusty hinge.

”Isn't that fair?” he asked. ”You didn't expect to come in as partner first thing, did you?”

”No, but I can't work for nothing.”

”Then--lemme see--I'll give you fifty cents a week for the first year, and you can take it out in goods.”

”No, thank you,” answered Ben. ”I couldn't afford it.”

As he went out of the store, he heard another grating laugh, and the remark: ”That's the way to bluff 'em off. I offered him a place, and he wouldn't take it.”

Ben was at first indignant, but then his sense of humor got the better of his anger, and he said to himself: ”Well, I've been offered a position, anyway, and that's something. Perhaps I shall have better luck at the next place.”

The next place happened to be a druggist's. The druggist, a tall man, with scanty black locks, was compounding some pills behind the counter.

Ben was not bashful, and he advanced at once, and announced his business.

”Don't you want a boy?” he asked.

The druggist smiled.

”I've got three at home,” he answered. ”I really don't think I should like to adopt another.”

”I'm not in the market for adoption,” said Ben, smiling. ”I want to get into some store to learn the business.”

”Have you any particular fancy for the druggist's business?” asked the apothecary.

”No, sir, I can't say that I have.”

”I never took much, but enough to know that I don't like it.”

”Then I am afraid you wouldn't do for experiment clerk.”

”What's that?”

”Oh, it his duty to try all the medicines, to make sure there are no wrong ingredients in them--poison, for instance.”