Chapter 1133 - A Tussle With The Serpent -unedited (1/1)

Nueon Supplier Moloxiv 21910K 2022-07-19

Chapter 1133 - A Tussle With The Serpent -unedited

As he was stuck in the hurricane of cold icy death, Jin was gathering his chi and ether so that he could output Maqi

Oddly enough, the gathering of his Maqi has the side effect of warht He did not feel as cold as before and therefore was able to think rationally (The cold doesn't bother hi the Serpent and Genbu being one entity, it ainst twoaround in that blasted hurricane of icy doom, the serpent did not hesitate to strike the Astral Panda Cultivator and it was quite accurate in its attack

But Jin did block or evade the attack Instead, he did thehih into the serpent's mouth While as iconic as the s which seeuess correctly when part of his winter jacket had been corroded upon contact with the poison Thus, the Astral Panda Cultivator's idea to envelope his entire body with Maqi before sliding through the Serpent's throat was a decent decision

Yet, the serpent was not stupid to allow the cultivator to do what he likes (Probably slicing its innards and organs when he has the chance) It instantly vibrates its entire body, causing the internal organs to secrete a certain lubricant which would prevent Jin froht outside! I a so your liquid based defences would not stop ht to himself as he felt the liquid was merely part one of the serpent's defences as its internalin But the Maqi that Jin enveloped around him was not only used to protect hi explosion spell (Obviously without hurting himself in the process)

Kabooer to look with interest It too thought it was the end for Jin since he got eaten by the serpent Unlike Jin, Byakko did knohat Genbu's serpent was capable of and there was hardly any chance for Jin to get out alive if he did not prepare anything against it

However, his initial thoughts were proven wrong when he heard the explosive sounds and smoke emanated from the Serpent's mouth Eventually, even more explosions ensued and the Serpent had no way to counter it The tiger chuckled for a moment and decided to help his fellow master a bit

”Whether he can come out unscathed, that would be another issue,” Byakko smirked as he summoned his very own Maqi and called out for a thunderbolt to strike the serpent But even before the thunderbolt could hit its target, it suddenly dissipated ether had dispersed throughout the winter space

That hen Byakko's smirk turned into an irritated expression

”To think the White Tiger could still fall for this trick It surebones shi+vered with a little joy” Genbu giggled and Byakko eventually concluded that there was nothing he could do to aid his h to perfor into the Serpent's body” Byakko yawned a little before he comfortably sat at the side of the old bench

”Yes, that rash stupidity would help, but for how long?” Genbu's words echoed and Byakko sat at the side, ignoring the old le with the multiple explosions

”I won't say he is the best et out of this situation you placed hi a lazy panda” Byakko had to add the last part to show so that Genbu would not think he went soft fro a prideful anier of the West could have broken Genbu's ical barrier if he had placed more Maqi into his spell, but it seems Genbu wanted Jin to clear this by hier could interfere After all, as ical barrier, Genbu could likewise do the sathened the barrier even further There was no use fighting in a petty match whether whose little tricks could triuh the above was merely inference based on Genbu's words, Byakko still chose to take the easy way out and let Jin settle it Besides, it was quite a sight to see the Astral Panda Cultivator struggle so hard and it had been soer of the West saw old h he kneas merely a part of his powers

The next few explosions got even louder just as Byakko stifled a yawn and finally saw the serpent drop to the side of the mountain Another explosion was seen at the mouth of the serpent and Jin desperately crawled out of it, all drenched in the se for air

”Is this how all the snakes suffocate their prey when they bite theet as far from the serpent as much as possible He knew there was no time to rest if the serpent could have black out momentarily At the sae rock as support and cover

”Relax, the serpent is dead” Byakko's voice echoed from the top of the mountain ”For now that is But I am not sure whether -”

At that ue suddenly twitched and Jin ay too tired to react after casting that many spells (Not to mention, the initial sentence Byakko spoke of, caused hiuard)

The mouth of the serpent instantly reacted andspeeds that Jin believed he had to restart the instance once more

However, as clued to slip from the rock that was behind his back and accidentally activated his astral double to counterattack the inco serpent Perhaps it was because he knew his life was in danger and the hopelessness he suffered got washed away fro him to activate an Astral Panda instead of his personal astral doppelganger

The Panda itself was powerful enough to not only stop the Serpent's strike but held both upper and lower jaws of the snake before it forcefully closed thes in its upper jaws to pierce through its lower jaw, syste itself to death once more

”Guessthat was a lucky break for oodness for the lubricant thenHa ha ha” Jin saw the entire scene up front and he could only count his blessings that his astral abilities could be this useful in a scene like this