Chapter 1105 - Setting Layers of Defences in Demopolis (1/1)
Chapter 1105 - Setting Layers of Defences in Dee of artillery shots ca doards the direction of the Northern Ooofpa Loopa This ti on the Bone Spirit Demons who had been able to escape the initial volley of attacks and were now running towards the Demopolis Walls
Sadly, the Pandarens were not yet ready to face thefully assumed that the interim period before the Boss encounter had been merely set up for them to rest and relax nobody had told them that they had been supposed to use that particular period to prepare so hordes of monsters
Alas, that ti over spilt e, hoping that the coht now, all the Pandarens were doing their best to either use the artillery to fight back or search for more defences as much as they could hatever they were able to scour throughout the city
The Pandawans, with the help of some Pandarens, had realised that they could use the city landscape to their advantage, yet, the city itself was rather vast There was actually a Suburban area near the outskirts of the Demopolis Walls to accommodate the residents if need be before it transits to a wide round field and later the military bases
The Suburban areas were filled with s which could be used to isolate the Bone Spirit Deht them doith explosives However, the barricade would only last a certain amount of ti through them
Still, it was somewhat a last ditch defence solution to slow the monsters down if the walls were overwhelmed The explosives were easy to place since the Panda in the Suburban area But before exploding those buildings to dust piles, the Pandarens rushed to create defensive barricades just like how the Mafia Demon Families had done the sa new if an old plan should already be able to do the same job?
So they found every piece of furniture they could salvage from the homes and built several makeshi+ft barriers to stop the Bone Spirit De inscription charms were added into the mix of those barriers so that they could further reduce the advance the open fields
And speaking of the open fields, that here the second major batch of Pandarens was present Under the lead of Pandawan Se Lang and Deng Long, they had begun digging shallow trenches so that the cultivators had a place to fall back at each and every interval in their fight against the Bone Spirit Deressive the Bone Spirits were but they took whatever possible method in their handbook to slow the horde down However, they honestly hope the fighting would not take place that near to their base Because if that was the case, the odds of winning would practically be close to zero too The open field without proper support fire was equivalent to suicide and Se Lang believed they should rather surrender the raid instance
Still, they continued to do it because the objective of this raid was not just to kill the two boss monsters, it was the protection of the airfield runway it was the one thing that the Pandarens had to protect at all costs, otherwise, there would be noin
Some of the Pandarens complained that this Final Boss Instance should have allowed for a h by the ical teleportation but theht break the raid
If the reinforcements were to stream in simultaneously, they would no doubt have sufficient ainst the Demon Hordes and the Boss Monsters It wouldn't be a suspense filled fight anymore, but more of a battle of attrition, with one side unable to lose It would no longer be a question of IF they could win, but WHEN they would win
However, as the epic conclusion to the Deht for their lives, preparing them for the case should such a ain) It was a sort of training for both the civilians and the armed personnel of the country…or that hat many ere in the raid instance had cooal was just to give the Pandarens a worthy fight to reeon instance, since it was indirectly his brother's possible future legacy (Although he also wanted to see thee since he was of the opinion Jin always treated them too nicely And sadly, some of the minions felt the same way as well)
The trenches were filled with another layer of artillery guns awaiting their time to be used while barbed wires, explosives and evenup the battlefield And because they neededthe trenches and place the items, it was up to the Pandarens at the Demopolis Wall and Suburban areas to buy them time to settle their defences
However, one shouldn't forget about the military equipment that was stored within the city's basements Tanks, jeeps and rocket launcher trucks were slowly being brought out and they were placed in strategic areas where they could cover thethe Pandarens and they iive whatever advice they could to the Pandawans in order to speed things up
As for the naval portion, the Pandawans found out there were actually ines which could be used toup for air They were shaped like a torpedo without the explosives inside, allowing easyas the cultivators could tolerate the sea currents and even had huge oxygen tanks hich the Pandarens could replenish their oxygen But because of their properties, they were vulnerable when those engines were daainst the wave of Bone Spirit Demons
Still, the De even a hundred of them would not dent their inventory stocks Thus, with most portions of the defences covered, the Pandaere only worried about the offensive part of this raid