Chapter 1082 - Seven Cities Assault -Part 3 (1/1)
Chapter 1082 - Seven Cities' assault -Part 3
”We are getting out of this no matter what!” Taris General refused to throw the towel down as he fiddled with his lance, feeding it power Even if the Siege Weapons were not working as expected, he always had a backup plan in mind His lance was not just some stabby little spear that he carried around on his armoured horned bear
It also has the ability to bring down a fortress wall
That was one of the reasons why General Yaega had continued his charge towards the fortress wall and his battalions religiously followed hie tier lance in battles before The Taris General tightened his grip on the all powerful lance, or as the others dubbed it as the Wallbreaker Lance
Yaega's y steadily accue, three horsemen sped ahead of him to protect his front This was mainly because there could be anti personnel traps such as spike pits placed right below the fortified walls The three horse commander would not be hindered by these traps and he could pave the way right in front of him
To the horseered as they reached the last few metres towards the fortified wall as if the enemies were so confident of their wall
Sure, it looked weird from the standpoint but it did not lower their confidence in their general's attack So, they quickly did a sharp turn in order to not clash themselves onto the walls and also run away froa's lance attack
But despite knowing the a suddenly has doubts in his mind because he had never seen such a wall before It was not made from the usual brick and mortar since he could not see any lines or crevices in this particular wall he was atte to break
It looked way too s back at hieneral could not think what else he can do in this current situation
”WALL BREAKER!” Yaega shouted as he raised his charged up lance and directed it to the wall The Wallbreaker lance iic infused into it, directly ioes fine, his Wallbreaker lance will reveal a hole large enough for the entire battalion to charge through into the inner city
However, the loud bang on the wall does not sound the same based on Taris General's experience It felt muffled and the debris that fleay froh he knew that he had inserted even y than he ever had because of the adrenaline that was pulsating through his veins True enough, the Wallbreaker attack only revealed a hole big enough for three battle bears to go through and there was no light at the other end of the wall but Yaega had to keepor else the momentum from the battalion behind him would crash the front few
The Wallbreaker Lance eventually lost its stored energy and as Yaega tried to move forward, he found himself in a tunnel like environht and the only paths available were either left or right So, in order to reduce the possibility of an ia sent the order to split up and go through the tunnels fro that h the huge tunnels
However, because of the unsuccessful siege atte to squeeze through the hole that Yaega had created In the process, a few horsemen were tra Horned Bears mixed in their army's composition And due to the accidents, so forth and instead raised their forelegs to neigh That alone a Dee of the wall They even have the time to push tubs of hot oil to the area the Taris Battalions were gathering and pouring the oil down at then of the fortified layered smooth walls like terraced far down This build up caused a torrential wave of piping hot oil to crash down onto the battalion,anyone as in its path The rain of bullet projectiles and the flood of oil caused sohts to violently push their way into the tunnel hole for cover but eventually got killed when the oil gushed into the hole andtheir riders to fall The hot oil was enough to burn the riders and theirtheht be comrades in arms but in the face of death where all were bound to lose in this catastrophe situation, the soldiers felt they had to fend for theht
The rest of the knights and riders at the back of the battalions had deterh the woods was their only way out of this shi+t show To theet shot down by these mysterious projectiles which they could not see or take their chances against the ambushers who have explosive arrohich they could blow their heads off
Obviously, the latter was more feasible for the rest of the battalion since the front was filled with a deadlock of cavalry trying to squeeze through and the hot oil flowing down the fortified white wall, killing the rest ere stuck in that position If they could return back to their headquarters they ainst the a officers in the rear took charge of the retreat and ordered the rest to stay in a scatter formation so that the projectiles and arroould have a difficult ti the casualties as they tried to enter the forested area again Still, the co officers were also not stupid to retreat from the saain so that their ambushers had split their forces This way, there should be fewer aroup and their chance of survival would technically be higher
The problem was that they had no idea who their ao into a fit to know that they were none other than the Night Foxes Further were to know that only ten Night Foxes were left handing therace to the battalion since they i theht Foxes had split the out from the camp
As for the temporary camp headquarters itself?
The result was obvious enough