Chapter 1058 - Aftermath of the Guard House Massacre (1/1)

Nueon Supplier Moloxiv 22890K 2022-07-19

Chapter 1058 - Aftermath of the Guard House Massacre

”Not bad, not bad The Pandawan Teauard house on their own” Nubwort rubbed his chin as he monitored the overall situation within the Demopolis A portion of the Merchants District was in disarray after they found out that one of their guard houses had been taken down

As these guard houses were strategically placed to cover a wide range of the Merchants District, it was a hard blow for the Atrocity Mafia that their ated within an hour's ti the reinforcements had been able to do had been to watch and then report the destruction and end result of the est of the Guard Leaders but he had still couards under hie The upper echelons of the Mafia Family had the impression that he would at least be skillful to at least occupy the enemies until reinforceuard house slaughtered, it could onlyRex's special forces were not a joke News spread like wildfire and everyone under the Three Shadow Kings believed that this was a show of power, a statement to the rest of their factions that they could hit fast and hard whenever they wanted It was a scary thought that a group of elites could be so effective when the rest of King Rex's hired 'soldiers' were already hts there were fairly violent when couard house But unlike the Pandaho had accumulated a fair amount of Panda coins to spend rather frivolously when it came to weapons, it was not the same for the other Pandarens who had yet to find the safehouse They were fighting hatever inventory they had in their storage ring and the clash was basically about who had the guts to score more kills

That's not to say that the Three Shadow King's Mafia fa in these attritions of war That was also one of the reasons why reinforcements could not arrive as quickly as anticipated for the assault on the guard house They thought it was a good idea to send their attackers to the frontline and leave their territory lightly guarded They knew there ht be possible assaults fro Rex's shock troopers were able to break through and into the districts

And because of this daring ed the course of battlefield The Mafia deainst the Pandarens had finally seen a stalemate in the last few hours However, all these were solely the Pandaren's efforts

The Round Table of Jin's Minion Leaders had yet to reveal any of their trump cards So far, they hadcaches of neeapons and medical kits for the Pandarens on the frontlines With the Systeeon Core, it was able to slip in a few goodies towards the Pandarens and ensure that they would have an advantage over the Mafia demons

Nevertheless, whenever the Pandarens ended up killed, the loot would go over to the victor As such, the Mafia deet hold of Jin's advanced weapons, which they then used against the Pandarens (after so out how to operate the the Systened to only have a certain durability to them Be it the Pandarens or Demons who used them, those items would break after a period of tih the Panda within the weapons that stated that it was fragile, indicating it would break after a nue, the weapon was more powerful than the usual they used and this was up to the Pandarens to use it sparingly or for the lucky Mafia deed to pick them Jin had not been too much a fan of that mechanism, but Kraft had reassured hi this way, but there was also a failsafe inscription that would guarantee that they would break into pieces if the Syste that he was going into battle)

”Speaking off, why don't you go into battle? You have been slogging your life away to make this, so it would be a pity for you to just sit back and relax” Kraft proposed when he saw the attackers fro back to their respective districts as per the System's caood stretch and allow us to see what you are truly capable of” Rex agreed with the idea He hiht but he knew that these Mafias ht not be even a proper warm up exercise session for him

”You know that if I did that, I would truly be blowing ht? To display race” Jin argued with his head shaking so hard to show his reluctance

”Oh corade up! We've ascertained that it was entirely different from the normal you a feeeks back and it seehts you've been forcing yourself into Not to mention, the Syste ht?” KiyuUser to perfor, would it be alright if I came with hi the commotion from the side with the rest of them

Since she wanted to be part of the entire process ever since she started working on the rest of the Cultivation Zoo instance She figured that fighting alongside with Jin ht or even inspiration for the Cultivation Zoo (But everyone knows that was an excuse, even Jin who could see it so blatantly for once)

”You sure? This kind of battlefield is not so the tactics various Pandarens had been using, soenious and recorded for posterity orried for her colleague She recalled the time she and Lynn had been out in the Giant World, but this would be an entirely different battlefield

”All the ive it a try How else I will learn if I stay safe the whole time In the event that I had to defend myself with or without Jin, I would be better prepared” Lynn said as she unconsciously touched her sword that was held on her waist

”I don't mind In fact, if you're there maybe our lazy Panda Boss will have soave a one sided shed and knew that Lynn was doing her utrate

He was not as dense as sohts that she wanted to spend time to be with hiuilt for leaving her out most of the time, it did not matter now

”Don't worry, Boss If our Queen really gets into a pinch, the Sub System will call us out to save her” Kido, her ht in front of hiht, if that's the case Let's go for a spin” Jin finally agreed as he asked Lynn to 'suit' up