Chapter 1055 - System Traders (1/1)
Chapter 1055 - Systeh the interco Unlike the others who had prepped their arsenal of weapons to the bri decided to have a more supportive role in this current battle mainly because he knew that he was a one to one duelist coo crazy and face multiple enemies at once
Those RPG canisters were part of his stash when he found out that they were on sale when they activated the safehouse's save point However, there were ht at least a couple of every variant that was on sale, hoping they would prove useful in this particular raid Everyone knew that this was a gimmick in Jin's store to provide a variety but they could not deny the effectiveness when the situation arises Still, the act of overconsuave ineered Jin's cheapskate behaviour and flipped the switch into their NPC traders, they could be rather persuasive in getting people to buy more than just what they needed But that was not all, to make people serious about the third main objective of the Raid, which was to collect the Des, the System had developed an in-raid currency that could only be used within the period when the raid event was active Each belonging returned would have an a has the value of 10 Demon Panda Emblems (As much as it sounded evil, it was actually an e plushi+e)
However, the System Traders had heavily emphasised not to be confused with the currency that the current Raid was giving This particular set of eed to the latest set of Raid Tokens when the raid was done (A period of teeks would be given to the Pandarens should they wish to exchange any last minute items with the Systee and it depended on the currency market like the Panda Coins that Jin had implemented
This was because the ite were not limited redemption items but combat items that could be replenished The only special stuff that was in that particular session was prototype weapons which Jin had stated that they needed more data before they could release for public use (But still, those weapons are locked and restricted in Jin's store, they could not be used in public at all)
These kinds of weapons and tech items were stored in their weapon closets and only be allowed access when they returned for dungeon instance In a way, one could say that Jin had rights to hold those weapons and they were dee it out of the store This applied to those warclubs that Xiong Da had been brandishi+ng as well as the guns which the Pandaere holding If a Pandaren forgot to return those weapons or wished to bring them out of the store, permission to beam themselves out of the store instance would be denied
They can forcibly return those weapons with a tap in the Pandamonium App or be trapped in the store instance forever until they co Jin had come up with recently as a way to control the weapons, not allowing them to use them out in society while at the saeon players One of the reasons was mainly because of his coeon instance weapons which is fun and wacky but it is another issue if those fun and wacky ways to kill a rade Previously, Jin sold high quality low Grades weapons, catered for the new cultivators and that alone had alerted the Syste out into the ed to keep the distribution under control and brought the black market distributors to justice
Oh, but it was not swift death but rather unlawful detain fed Jin initially wanted to hold them until Kraft had the same idea to wash their brains froe However, with the advent of Kong Rong under the service of the Panda Clan, Jin merely allowed hi a Senior Panda Executive because those distributors were surprisingly veterans in their trade and their contacts were considered aused soents and provided them with the promise of safety not only to them but their families
Oh but Kraft did not only take back those imitation products, he had collected all those black ineer so that they could eon Raids And thus the Emblems were used precisely for that
Weapons not seen on the actual al for use in the real world The cultivators had no idea that they were on a borderline of co a major crime should they escape the shop instance with those weapons
While Bin Yong did not have access to those weapons as of the current situation he was in, he sure had enough e soldier envious
A beetle like spy drone flew out of his storage ring and with his visor, the Beetle Cultivator had cos of any intruders It also acted as a hi tech cartographer, plotting a new digital map on the maps that shi+ Zuo previously uploaded into their team's visors
”Coast clear! Let's push forward and out of the building!” Bin Yong smiled as he looked at his Panda a bo to be lit with a ”press and hold” button showing right at the bottom of his screen