Chapter 1053 - Pandawans New Weapons (1/1)

Nueon Supplier Moloxiv 19140K 2022-07-19

Chapter 1053 - Pandawans' New Weapons

Although the alerted patrol guard had been annihilated, this battle was far frouard house before they split up The bigger group went towards the opposite building where Bin Yong's strike team had unleashed their iroup went after Xiong Da and Lee An

With the entire patrol decimated, there had been no one to report the ferocity of the two cultivators so their leader had roup after the and the others had been the ones to kill off the patrol outside, leaving two of their coht ere falling behind badly but it seeuards are actually worth quite a fair bit of points Too bad we don't have the time to apprehend them properly” Lee An laital watch which he showed off the scoring their team had earnt

Obviously, the watch manufacturers had not had Pandamonium App in mind but Jin's shop instance featured a store that provided exclusive options to upgrade digital watches regardless of brand They did however state that it would void the warranty of the watch, yet the perks of using it in the dungeon instances were so immense that many opted to use it

”You rabbed one of his warclubs and returned it to his storage ring while he continued to hold the other as a two handed weapon

”That would have been too easy No, soue' is holding that position at the ht choice to hit a high value target” Lee An replied as he readied his stance after he reloaded his pistol and checked his wrists

In order to ensure a quick reload tihts, he had to h to reach To do that he utilised a bracelet on each arm that acted as pistol clip holders, which could hold two clips, one on each side of his arm In a way, it acted as a basic wrist protector too since the clip holders were made of heavy duty metal It had been a little more expensive than the usual clip holders, since it could potentially hinder his movements

However, Lee An had seen the effectiveness of his pistol wielding abilities first hand against these deo with this one On the other hand, Xiong Da was gleeing as he held his war club tight With the (al that could change the tide of battle

His warclub had been heavily h one would un warclub While it was not usable outside of Jin's dungeons, this was potentially one of theweapons made by Jin's inhouse weaponsmith, Vulcan (Let's not count Kraft's constant 'experiave Vulcan and Jin's science tea physics and chi, the blacks Da that utilised a kinetic energy es The lawyer merely needed to exert a little bit of his chi to fire off a scatter shot of energy into his enemies Still, that was not the only war club that had been modified The one the Hippo Pandawan had returned into his storage ring had the saun rounds and even alternatives such like dragonbreath shotgun shells in conjunction with the kinetic energy ue that it was overkill no matter how much the number one custouards had no idea as couard as about the saed him directly to a duel He rushed towards the Hippo Cultivator, confident in his strength to bring down one of the culprits who had killed his friends

However, Xiong Da, who had been casually swinging his war club while waiting for his eneroup, was all ready to pluh, just as the Mafia de Da, the war club smacked him from the bottom of his feet and up to the third floor

The Mafia de in hten quite a nu the opposite effect All of the eneainst

They had been nearly bored stiff frons of the Deher ups So when these unique huic combatants with those half masks had started to appear, they had looked forward to this chance to wreak havoc

The Mafia de Rex must have employed mainly because of the weapons they used From the fast draw pistol to the heavily modified war club which could not be manufactured with usual means They understood that these humans were the special forces that had been ruhbourhood and they quietly infiltrated into the districts

While they did not have ical ite the various Mafias to send out transh they had their differences, this particular ”cleansing” wasn't so they could stand on their own

This 'draining the swamp' had bonded them to look out for each other… at least on the surface In reality, the three Shadow Kings merely wished to have as much information on their enemies, so they could be prepared for them

This particular a attack that the Atrocity Mafia didn't take kindly to The top Guard Leader had already transmitted the infor trouble, especially focusing on their neeapons, h alert The upper brass had also iuardhouse to take care of the offenders

Just as the guard leader was done forwarding that information, he sensed two hu smell from the aftermath of the explosions

And it seemed that they were very keen to take his head