Chapter 942 Second Round! (1/2)
Chapter 942 Second Round!
The bells rang as a last call for the cultivators to set out on their boats Bu Dong was in the midst of a heated discussion with Zi Dan and Xia Mao about what they had to do next when they ca Yu as holding their Panda Mercenary… Heala
After Bu Dong had heard about their experiences within the dungeon instance and how successful they had been by utilising the holy trinity (although they did not name it as such), he felt dumb that he did not realise it sooner especially since the recommendation eeon instance
During the tiry Ape Cultivator had discovered that the holy trinity rated into the whole systeh to allow an offensive cos as long as they dodged enough
For example, the HP bar they had in their visor was an indicator of their health, but many Pandarens knew that it was not perfect but e from the monsters and were down to zero hit points, they could actually still fight on by pushi+ng their limit It was not a coainst the monsters (Of course only to a certain extent Near-death, limbless humans can't dowas confident that with Zi Dan's hidden healing skills and Heala's recovery roup had decided to follow Bu Dong's advice and gay
However, Xia Mao was still sceptical since they had yet to see Nian release any significant death-defyingher health was barely a quarter down
”Do you think we can raain like you did on your first run?” Bu Dong questioned, hoping to do soainst Nian before the shon Every little bit ht make the difference between a first clear and another defeat
”I doubt that Besides, if we ever encounter her in a similar situation, I'd probably just juh and if possible, I want to avoid a repeat for sanity's sake” Xia Mao gruine
”The Nian shouldn't be in these parts anyave us the infor within the Volcanic Caverns now” Jing Yu added
”Let's just hope the fire resistance charh for us to deal with her Without Tanke around, we are going to need every little bit of protection we can get” Zi Dan slightly regretted the change since he had paid for two sets of extra armour Thankfully those sets of armour could be refitted to fit anyone with the aid of Jin's cos too bulky? Just use coshten it!
It was a revolutionary idea fro similar in the past The only downside was that the cosmetic inscription did not last forever The moment the armour left Jin's store, it would turn back to its nor well equipped after their shopping spree, Xia Mao cautiously navigated the e harbour The inhabitants cheerfully welcoeon instance, those returning offenders had been treated with disgust and spite Soers even threw rocks at their boat)
Chief Ere queried whether they ell enough, revealing his knowledge about the fact that the cultivators were able to 'revive'
”There is one last favour I'd personally like to ask of you before you e requested and Xia Mao turned his head towards Bu Dong