Chapter 930 Sidearm (1/1)

Nueon Supplier Moloxiv 20060K 2022-07-19

Chapter 930 Sidear said after he checked his weapons a final tiry Ape Cultivator had added a Glock automatic pistol to his repertoire of weapons While he still neededcarried it in case of an eency

He had learned the painful lesson that having a secondary weapon eons There had been ti hiht his way out

He naturally had other swords in his storage ring, but there would always be a delay activating the storage and re the two scabbards usually would interrupt his footwork if he placed it on the waist and if he put it behind his back, there were soly none of Jin'sin the midst of battle

Other custos to solve that proble had the s was a proble time customer holeheartedly believed in Jin's iteeon supplier to release his own version of quick activation storage rings

The e in this Pandawan's behaviour was the Pandapolis Defence Raid After King Baal had used his ic, everyone had been transported to various parts of the city So, Bu Dong, as well as the others, had been stranded to fend on their own Even though reinforcements eventually came in to help the on to their teeth and knuckles (Well, figuratively)

Their weapons broke fro, due to the wear and tear to set in even faster The blood frorip on their weapons to slip, causing them to lose possession of their weapons at tih to steal weapons froht, but to Bu Dong, the biggest issue had been the ranged fighters

Most if not all the Pandawans suffered near-death experiences because the ranged fighters had a clear shot on the had a very close shave when an arrow zipped past the crowd in front of the Demon Archers and shot him in the back At that point of time, he was too tired to even throw a melee weapon towards the Demon Archer and could only be wary for the next shot

The other Pandawans had found themselves in siht: 'If only I had a gun with me' They all wished for a quick way to retaliate since those single arrows fro as they hit their heads

Surely if it had been a one-on-one fight, the Pandaould win hands down, but the demons had suffered too many losses to care about the opinion of Jin's custohts during dinner and collectively requested Jing Ru to give the Giraffe Pandawan didn't , she all found the in every aspect While it was to be expected, that did not stop any of the their pistol into battle


”You think we can ever one-shot these Sui Lions?” Bu Dong asked as he touched the sidearm and ensured the safety was off so he could fire away at ame that so far Boss Jin had always secretly placed a sure kill spot on all his e to find such a spot, they could theoretically be killed instantly Apparently, it isn't always the head, and those sure kill spots can vary with each and everythe 'saeons andthe monsters' sure kill spots, it would be easy as cake” Yue Wen answered as she too checked her pistol

Xiong Da had graciously sponsored the whole group after their dinner discussion and made a bulk purchase of the same Glock pistol (to not ot thee to the group (He was really utilising the free credit that Jin had bestowed hiood in theory, but thatthe very same decision and moved to the very same places like clockwork” Yue Han complained that it was impossible to search for a sure kill point for each and every monster, especially when it was not visible

”Chances are that at our skill level the only way to hit it, would be from a lucky shot and even then on't be able to necessarily pinpoint exactly where we hit it since theRu had found out about the sure kill points and identified it by the uts out instantly as if the shot had turned explosive in nature

Soon after she had h other siuide of known sure kill spots for cultivators who used ranged weapons

”So what about bosses? Can bosses also die froroup carefully entered into the cave

”She et a lucky hit once, and it dropped the boss' health by a third at the ti the very same spot, but after the first time, it did not activate Her theory is that either there are other sure kill points on the boss or the sure kill point change after one has been activated Of course, it could also be the case, that Boss Jin e once and it's up to the cultivator to use it early or later”

”Sounds like being a gunner has its perks” Yue Han commented as he actively concentrated his chi into his eyes and ears Being a Blind Bat Cultivator, he had better senses in searching forRu has to cover herself with various traps and tricks when fighting whenever she can't get a shot in Unlike us who have defensive and offensive skills, her only advantage is sniping froainst a slew of monsters with various defences and armour” His sister replied since she had seen her friend in battle quite a number of tiroup and stopped the any further as he detectedfro at the side over there Prepare for battle” He whispered as Tanke who had been quiet the whole time paced himself forhile the others retreated a few steps back

If possible, the group wanted to a monster