Chapter 923 Senior Panda Associate (1/2)
Chapter 923 Senior Panda associate
”If you really mean what you said, read this piece of the contract carefully You've already made an Oath to not hurt me, so what is another contract on top of that?” Jin slowly pushed the piece of paper towards Kong Rong and brightened the lights so he could read clearly
”That's not really necessary, but thanks” The State Agent said as he picked up the contract and noticed there was a low grade spell of persuasion on it A quick glance towards Jin's eager impression showed that he had no idea as in that contract piece until someone intervened between their conversation
”Oh just ignore that, we use it e really are interested in the talent Helps hurry along those who are a bit on the fence” Kraft waved his hands to dispel the spell i continued to read the contract Jin did stare back at Kraft, and they wereserious eye contacts between each other Naturally, the old fox did not give a da's non verbal expressions
'By accepting this particular piece of contract, you are thereby being pro read on and noticed that there were conditions that certain orders from Jin would be absolute as the Master of the Panda Clan The State Agent thought it eird that Jin would try to poach hion Zodiac Clan It's like asking soroup much less a clan, with no na me to be part of your clan? Don't I need to disavow h the Heavenly Five Element Tribulations by default? What would you be able to provideasked, but Jin shook his head, knowing that he would beDa did create the legality of it while the System reworded it via his style into the System's contract
”I wouldn't have asked you to take the oath if that was the case You would only have had to sign the contract Once you do, you will become a senior associate and the very first one at that The ork is slightly different from other people, but it will be easier to see if for yourself once you sign I know it sounds a little counterintuitive but trust me in this In essence, you will have additional responsibilities and secrets to keep Otherwise, you can keep to your current lifestyle, and it ht not even affect or make a difference to it if you wish to be inactive” Jin tried to explain without offending the guest in the bar
”Very first? You never recruited others? I was sure that Hou Fei would be one of these panda associates” The State Agent asked with curiosity It did not seem to match his collected data of the place But at the same time, he could not detect any panic or anxiety fro, and ood reason to explain the situation
”It's a bit complicated, he is technically a part of the official Panda Clan But in terms of rank and work he has done, he would probably be ranked as a Senior Panda associate as well Erher” Jin did not kno to phrase Panda Re joined him officially into the System
”And what are those 'opportunities' that awaitqueried
”You will understand as soon as you sign Also, just believe me when I say it will broaden your horizons Hehehe, can't wait to see your face when you realise that your current knowledge is just a drop in the oceans of , but he knew that even though the fox guy could not be trusted, his words had son of trust and n it But buck up on your persuasion without using any spells to get people to sign it They need a heck lot of work” Kong Rong reluctantly agreed as he bit his finger and released a bit of blood as a binding signature for the contract Suddenly, he felt his body start to ache as if a low current of electricity was pulsating through his body
”Senior Panda associate Long Kong Rong acknowledged assigning Codena” A voice sounded out within his head, and the stunned face caused the Panda and Fox to laugh out loud once more (Perhaps, the influence of alcohol caused all this commotion?)
Subsequently, Jin started to explain about the System and the rest of the other stuff He even created a portal introducing hieon World
”Hahahah You are shi+ttingyour custo other alien lives?! I mean I've always felt that your monsters seemed alive, but it never even crossedthe could not wrap his head around it