Chapter 759 Royal Snake Sailors (1/1)

Nueon Supplier Moloxiv 18390K 2022-07-19

During the conversation between the foxes, the constant skirainst the demon army hadn't stopped They had continued until they entered into a solid stale crew soainst their raid as their numbers seemed constant despite the Royal Snake Sailors' best atte them down

They eventually realised that therefro that Steals blocked their sight It was currently only covering the surroundings of the daer than usual with the aid of the high-density ifted hi his abilities to elude thee even with the aid of the fog He had been totally right about the shi+p as it surpassed Focalor's wildest i him yearn to become its captain all the et rid of the current crew altogether

Since they were the first party who raided the Leviathan in years, his crew had to get used to fighting on the defending side If only Focalor knew that the Royal Snake Sailors were keeping their cultivation to theofficers

However, the more the situation unfolded, thethe order using the power of at least an advanced grade cultivation to overturn the tide ”Requesting perh the visor as he panted froed with Focalor

Yet, the huge Tiefling felt that he was only getting started and he would be vastly disappointed if the enemies' so-called raid leader would be killed within an instant But at the same time, Focalor already felt bored froth any further The allure of the Stalingrad was et hold of the shi+p as soon as possible

”Granted Clear it as soon as possible We need to provide support fire at a few coordinates with the Stalingrad” Hou Fei sent back through the halfappreciated the perht that his eney and decided to cut him doith his sci off

”Ha! Now you show your true colours?” Focalor questioned as he quickly adjusted to the scenario and ed to parry the next attack with his off-hand But to his surprise, the only thing he stopped was just an after i else, he saw a blade come out of his chest

”I would have loved to play around a bit more, but those were the General's personal orders to clear the deck” Gan Yang apologised Focalor could not even turn his neck despite his undead attributes because of the stab by the Stalingrad's current Captain

It made Focalor's body slowly turn to stone with the initial attack and that one stab solidified the petrification process, rendering the leader of the De his head, Focalor could already feel the sensation of a nest of snakes crawling from behind him The aura he exuded felt like death had walked into Focalor's life without knocking on the door ”This is totally a different level of power! How could this huth thatpetrified, the Fog that Steals vanished and Focalor as still able to see, saw the exact saht in front of him and noticed that all the other humans were as competent as his opponent

His entire creas either petrified or lying on the ground vouts out As the stone started to reach his face, his last thought was about Kenway and Edward, hoping the two of thee

Sadly, that was not the case

The Dark Templars had slain them as with the aid of the Deep Ones and their un eed to annihilate ainst overwhel nuhter

Despite the initial attempts at an ambush led by their Captains Edward and Kenway, they did not expect the Dark Te as theround and methodically axed by thehts with soh many trials and failures to reach this point All the De compared to this, especially when they are free from the cultivators' eyes” Wolte praised his Dark Templars openly in the Systehted that their patron was happy with their work, but they did not knoas Wolte that was unconsciously helping the the battle from afar, noticed that the stats of the Dark Templars were abnormal and decided to check them via his monster app

Only then, did he realise that there was a buff on the further for rad itself was actually providing an aura on deck, boosting his allies like the Zither Mistress Ke Mi who supported their partners in a fight

Compared to the aerial scene which ended in a disaster, the naval war theatre had become a tremendous success, and Wolte believed that they could be providing fire support in no ti of the Zither Mistress, she finallyplatfore As odd as it sounded, she and the entire group fro live on a concert stage at the centre of the defensive floating platfor on the defensive floating platforht, colourful lights and loudspeakers coe, a group of Orcs were standing in front of it, every single one of them wrapped their heads with a bandana of a cartoon face of Sandy printed on it

It was Sandy's hardcore fan club