Chapter 739 Transformation of Wolte (1/2)

Nueon Supplier Moloxiv 25070K 2022-07-19

Lord Wolte drove backwards frouard emplacement he was in and took a turn As if someone had pressed on his accelerator pedal, heavily dense smoke came out of his exhaust The back of his 'butt' transforenerally used for aeroplanes

The moment he released his clutch, his threads burst out from the front and his e as he smashed himself into the sea All of this and he still had continued to fire at the Giants to let them think it was some accident

As the only one to break the emplacement, Lord Wolte was briefly considered to be the most vulnerable The Giants did not iant ballista his hich nearly hit hied to break one of his back wheels (Evidently, the ballista almost caused him to lose his balance if not for the fact that he was able to shi+ft his oeight)

”Tsk! Pesky Giants! You shall pay for this soon enough!” Wolte gritted his teeth and continued his dive into the treacherous sea right under the sky bridge He became the butt of the jokes as the Giants praised hi that protecting this bridge was futile'

”Everyone should just juht not even hurt you!” The Giants taunted the cultivators as the morale of the demons inadvertently increased

Yet, the rest of Dark Templars knew that their Lord was not suicidal They kept their mouths shut and took the opportunity to attack when they were distracted Oh, but they relished the wait for the last laugh once their saviour would appear once again to punish all of theed himself into the Deep Sea, he was not prepared for what he saith his eyes The Deep Ones including a so the Pandjilla It was to the point that the bored Mr Derpy even started to grant so him until one of his subordinatesdown

”Wolte! Have you come to visit me?!” Mr Derpy asked as he flapped his fins a little too enthusiastically, causing soe cautiously requested him to quieten down to prevent any further suspicion)

”Hahaha, Dagen! It's always a joy to see you! I'd love to stay and chat, but sadly things up there are a bit more hectic than down here I have come to conduct so out of his mouth

”Oh, oh! How about I connect a live line to you like hoe did before this stupid skirht?” Mr Derpy ihtest hesitation

In fact, he kne gullible Derpy was and had always tried to use him asy to enerosity, I shall share ht as well as a cannon for you to control!” The subreed, and Derpy was over the top He did not expect the old Duke to be kind enough to let him see this time around, let alone control one of his cannons

Wolte quickly used this excuse to increase his consuical battery There was no way he would leave Derpy alone after tasting his ies (Besides, Mr Derpy was a little restless after consu an entire island sized turtle So, this after-meal entertainment becaht! Here goes! Witness the Grand Wolte transforht in front of your eyes!” The Demon Patron of Dark Te Derpy and his subordinates as tank parts started to fall out as if his skin was peeling away

All that was left was a wrapped cocoon which was continuously rotating and growing larger in size Slowly but surely, the cocoon began to rise to the surface of the sea, and when it stopped spinning, Derpy sent a tentacle of some sort and pierced into the cocoon

Soon, the shell broke and dissipated in the water as a e splash that was visible froht, A bulk of the deht to see as happening (The demons could not believe there were so le battle)