Chapter 697 Hotel Pandastic (1/2)
Asthat their General had not been joking about providing thean to take their R & R leisure time seriously Given their sheer number, not all soldier could fit inside Hotel Pandastic, so the latecomers had been settled in the currently only other open hotel, Hotel Penguinton
Like their na was actually shaped close to the animal's outer appearance Hotel Pandastic had a wide curve exterior that placed the rooarden in the centre of it all (Qiu Yue seriously did not spare the reserves at all)
Within the garden, there were a variety of activities to spend their time on such as sports stadiuby Worried that there were not enough players to start a friendly bout? No probleuests as well
For the tribes, this was considered their break time They had learnt these new sports from Jin's world and come to enjoy them tremendously Somehow, the beavers had coame and despite their build, they had beco theainst
The Polar Bears as another exaby to the point that they even pooled whatever money they earnt to buy proper equipment from the System Some of them used this opportunity to further their base cultivation bestowed by the Systeed to rival many soldiers in a test of brute force
While every tribe did have a chance to test out every type of sport that was offered there, football surprisingly turned out to be the only one that was appreciated by all the tribes equally Each and every one of theanised a dedicated team of eleven to play it They even set up a tournament with a point syste the soldier's stay
Although cultivation was also allowed in both Rugby and Baseball, there were restrictions and limits for how much one could portray their cultivations since the rules they played by were similar to the one back in Jin's world Yet, football was the only exception to this rule Throughout the day, the football events alternated between 'cultivation only' and 'powerless' matchups
For 'cultivation only'any person on the field down Every teaed to use their cultivation to the utoal
It aaae teaoal would be put into a weakened state for five minutes
The power limitation bracelet, which every member had to equip before the match, would turn on and lie Grade 2 cultivator This way, each teaulate the offensive strikers to pit against their opposing rivals
The 'cultivation only' matches were so well received, that any soldier atching it on the sidelines hoped to give it a try The game was so popular that the monsters actually reserved the fields so that they could play as soon as they were on their break