Chapter 694 Weirdest Accomodation (2/2)

Nueon Supplier Moloxiv 20840K 2022-07-19

Mr Patsu jumped to tap the 'up' button with his keycard, and the elevator opened, revealing a pretty, petite chandelier at the centre of the lift Its slight yellowish glow gave the lift a bit of a comfy luxurious feel The spacious elevator included a white marble interior that blended nicely with the chandelier while slow 80s round

”It will be a short ride to the lobby, but please hold on to the railings in case of jerking” Mr Patsu instructed theh, there was some vibration that came from the lift, but the soldiers felt that it was not because of any infrastructure failure and rather the speed that the elevator was ravitational force in play and it was si from the 1st floor to the 80th floor in less than 10 seconds

In no tiht was entirely different fro people at the elevator's entrance welcouests they ever received The anined the contract had been employed as auxiliary support staff for the current huuins In ter the animal tribes rather than Qiu Yue since she had experience training the penguins for service support (Though the Syste her more for the total obsession to clean stuff)

Still, with Lynn only being apt in training others to becoies to train the staff for hospitality The Systereed to it as well since they were the epitome of her standard in cleanliness

Some of the tribe people had initially been unable to handle the intense training Still, the Systera to entice them to do better

Unfortunately, the standard they had achieved so far, was not exactly what they had hoped for, especially since the penguins had had more time to learn and train Yet, the Animal Tribe people preserved mainly because of the abundance of food, comfort and shelter they had been provided with in return

They enjoyed their new lives without the need to sacrifice the food Some of the older members did complain that this could potentially erode souins did indirectly reinforce the fact that Jin would always satisfy the thirst for battles when the tiht

Furthermore, the System had also bestowed them with cultivation styles based on their anith, dexterity and vitality After all, being able to stay awake longerharder, and it would ultimately prove to serve better for the System and Jin

In the meantime, the three soldiers could not believe their eyes and their randiose in nature with couests to wait The porters were around to carry any heavy luggages Despite the soldiers' insistence, they eventually gave way for the aniistration was just a form of courtesy as they were presented with not just the keys to their hotel roooing to stay as well as food vouchers for the breakfast buffet The guests were also brief that their physical keys were used to turn the circuits on in their rooital key affixed to the Panda their physical key

Yet, another shocking sight awaited the for their hotel room as Mr Patsu led them to it