Chapter 689 First War Roo – Part 2 (1/1)
”Howfrom the Royal Snake Battalions? Also, we can accommodate that 1000 over soldiers if need be” Qiu Yue queried, and Hou Fei was already shaking his head
”Those thousand-odd soldiers stayed in Shenzhen, so accommodation for them is not an issue However, if you were to take care of it…maybe another 4000 more? I do not wish to employ any extra, and that isto bring out I can use the excuse of the 'North', but any more than that and the Royal Clan Heads will question ation… Anyways, money is not an issue, you can creditin will be at a discounted price”
”Hently for any upgrades?” Qiu Yue asked, but everyone kne Jin spent etting ainst the Demon Rats, I say we take up his offer,” Jin responded, and Hou Fei thanked his master for the renewed business
”If that is the case, I will startpreparations to deploy the full number Weapons wise… I will tell the them rent or buy them from your weapon store should be okay with you Will that be sufficient?” Hou Fei needed clarification, and Qiu Yue had confirmed that the rooms would be ready by to out any neeapons other than the ones I have purchased beforehand for you guys The Dongguan-Huizhou intervention hasit as if it would be an important issue for the monsters to take note in the future
”It's fine As long as Qiu Yue and Nubwort are okay with it, we can assign your troops to handle those artilleries” Jin suggested, but Hou Fei shook his head
”Don't bother They are too used to ourthem use those old artilleries will have the opposite effect and actually slow the rate of fire In my opinion, it's best we leave it to the Orcs who must have already trained hard for it” Hou Fei replied while looking towards the direction of Nubwort
”Indeed, I have trained theed by Hou Fei Furthere to take care of the dust in the artillery barrel so that we can handle repeated firing without too much interruption” Nubwort explained proudly
”I believe they will be in a load of pain when they first teleport into the cave” Moloch chuckled when he recalled how vigorous the practices were that General Nubwort had h
”I have double checked the Fortress Goleolems They should respond better with the interfaces the Systen a battery pack that could last half an hour longer,” reported Ayse when it see to be a round table discussion of the developments for the city's defence
”Aood tips in the calibration of the joints allowing the golems to move 10 faster It's a quick 30 ineers to work around the clock to ole the battle”
”Sorry to interrupt but before we go any further Do I understand it correctly, that we are going to bring the fight to the Demon Army at the cave entrance to the shoreline?” Jin asked, and the group nodded their heads
”We have prepared a e that will lead to the currently e platform There are a number of prefabricated defences in place so as to iress of the foot soldiers” Qiu Yue said as she switched the holographic console and revealed a forest-like terrain on the platform
”Huh, trees and hilltops I see, so we are not clashi+ng with theht” Jin commented as he zoomed out From this bird's-eye view, it was clearly visible that the trees in the forests were systeether with the hills, they were of great strategic value for their defending side”
”Only a fool would give up his advantage to fight on the enemies terms!” Nubwort took over He explained how more clay statues had been created and hidden within the trees and bushes (Some were literally embedded in the trees!) He also added that these trees werethat they have some hidden properties to hinder the enemy
”In addition, we have placed mechanical traps at numerous locations and demarcated them with the Systegered by the ene mobile forts with the help of Sandy to be placed in the floating platfor days”
”To add on, the Wyvern Goblin Knights Battalion commanded by h to establish air superiority, but our anti air defences should be able to make upthe upgrades the Wyvern knights had been put through It was nearly short of ical hts had been equipped with mobile rocket boosters based on Ayse's Lost Tech, so they did not enition Instead, the boosters used air pressure as a way to increase their speed
At the sahts were equipped with the very sa except theirs was more advanced to cover the deed to a variety of ranged weapons such as a sniper rifle, an RPG rocket or heavy hts Because of this, the Wyverns themselves were equipped with a neck bracelet that held a different assortht was developed akin to a WW2 fighter plane (Or perhaps even more capable than that!)
In fact, Wyrstriker felt that such a comparison was an understate the lihts to the extreme It was to the point that Nubwort felt his hellish training for his foot soldiers was a walk in the park
Wyrstrikerof dive bohts that lasted foras well as the handling of G force fro that Jin did not have ainst the demon arhts to becoon Devils which Moloch spoke highly off
The Spear Goblin not only wanted to lift that worry off the ground forces but to hts as the true rulers of the skies (or dungeon ceiling?)