Chapter 607 Porkcupine-B (1/2)

Nueon Supplier Moloxiv 23510K 2022-07-19

After focusing on the entrance, Jin started to look at the other parts of the cities as he reviewed the defences of the floating platforriculture Sector 1 and 2 was proposed by Weslie, the Scholar of the West

Based on the System's predictive analysis, Weslie's plans increase the overall output by at least 200 Still, Jin had decided that to place that priority in the further phases since the opening of the Dungeon City Fortress was more critical At the very most, he would play the 'demand and supply' card if the store owners at his Tree Mall would to request for nificant renovation of both sectors Weslie had proposed that sub dungeon instances be used for the ani needs This would undoubtedly increase the Jin's overheads significantly since he had to build a server as well as placing a portion of the Syste of anieon World However, she continuously emphasised that the animals needed the utmost care to provide the best quality of meat

At the same time, Weslie was very curious about the cultivation ability of animals in Jin's Earth She noted that thewith the spiritual chi flowing throughout the aniredient always play a part)

However, it was deemed inefficient to rear cultivated aniiant monsters from the Giant World

That here Half Ghoul Lord Derek's research of coht have an impact of Weslie's plan Therefore, Jin called upon Derek and Weslie into the dungeon maker room to have a proper discussion while Lord Wolte quietly (or as quiet he could be) look through the defence layout of Jin's city

Weslie was a bit annoyed that she was summoned out of nowhere when the scholar felt that she had soards to the vital 'instrument' for Operation Pied Piper But when she saw Derek and Jin in the room, she controlled her temper a little

”Sorry to disturb both of you and without any advance notice” Jin apologised when he noticed the expressions on their faces They quickly shook their head and asked what the riculture Sectors overhaul in the future phases after City's opening, I need some input and clarification on the overhaul Particularly on the research, you orking on Derek”

”Ah, the fusion research? Yes With regards to that, I had a few things to announce Firstly, I can say that the research had a partial success” Derek said, with a big siant porkcupines had been infused with vegetables, rown to a broccoli plant This increased the feasibility of it being a source of vegetable and reat to hear but since you said its a partial success, what is the bad news?” Weslie asked in a curious manner

”I read on your request about the animals with natural cultivation in Master's world So I had tried to ehhh inject the cells of Porkcupines and Grade 1 pigs together, and see if they could be cloned and grow To 's cells in a simpler term, overpower the cells of the broccoli modified porkcupine” Derek started to explain

”So the in vitro fertilisation worked? Wait, before that, I a? I never really thought about it despite your fascination in broken body parts and fusion of these food stock Jin asked, and Derek's lips curled

”Was a life science student in university before I got a job in as a bank analyst The pay was sadly uely remembered his world was sirew more vibrantly since it had some form of cultivation I still do not knoorked, but hey, it works! Guess soic dust to play the part” The Half Ghoul Lord was delighted to possess so with the scientific knowledge he had