Chapter 571 V2 Combat Bike (2/2)

Nueon Supplier Moloxiv 17220K 2022-07-19

The hel since it featured the say that Ayse had created (She aptly nae sounds so crude to her)

The Sub Systeration within the hely that the Syste itthe possible routes to take if she was in a pinch

The V2 Corated with the Sub Syste er she was unable to respond; the AI would immediately take over Last but not least, it finally had the ability to hover

However, Ayse warned Jin that the Lost Tech was still lacking, so Lynn had to reach speeds of at least 100k the ability to hover

That hen Lynn snorted a little and said that bikes should remain as bikes but thanked Jin for the early Christmas present ”It's a pleasant surprise”

”I could not think of anything better but tothose bike ot about Hou Fei…I should send hie about the Christmas Feast”

”You better tell hiht Does Ayse know that it's for a Christmas present?” Lynn asked, and Jin shook his head

”She only thinks that I was upgrading your co of it Besides, I've asked the Syste like Christmas over there I think she will be a teeny weeny bit jealous that the stuff I asked her and the research teaifts…especially because I told them to rush it out I can only hope that their present will appease the her helmet on

”There are a fe co! I will be waiting for you!” Jin said as the V2 Combat Bike roared loudly before it was silenced by the anti acoustic inscription placed onto the bike

Meanwhile, Jin rebuster suit he su into it As he slipped his legs into the bad boy, the Systeiant to fight against the e those Giant Monsters could be and if he wanted to have a proper Christ of the same size

And thus, a Mecha titan