Chapter 368 Aftermath of Operation Pompeii (1/2)

Nueon Supplier Moloxiv 40410K 2022-07-19

After the successful Operation Po loose ends up Another Jins with the help of Original Jin had eon instances for the cultivators that would be ongoing throughout the entire month of November

Each of the instances was meant to cater to various levels of cultivators The Northern Diversion Scenario was declared as the place for new cultivators to try out the entire raid instance experience The Western Diversion Scenario was h it was open to any cultivators that had participated in the Northern Diversion for at least five times

Jin purposely set such arbitrary requireet accustoet overwhelressive Orcs which the System now controlled The Western Diversion scenario had been restructured and it was possible to be invaded from any directions

After Jin had watched the replay of how the Ice Orc Admiral advanced their shi+ps, he ordered those Ice Orcs to use that Ice Wave spell in every encounter in the dungeon instances (It gave the Orcs a hell lot of fun doing so too!) Soh the fort walls directly while at other ti the place and land from the sides There were even occasional instances in which they landed at the back of the tohich caused much havoc to the cultivators

The amount of money the raid instances earned Jin ay more than he ever could have anticipated Even the System seemed a bit surprised, when it announced to Jin, that half his loan had already been paid back (If not for the Shop instance able to expand indefinitely, it would had been extremely packed)

One of the major factors for this appeared to be the relatively cheap entry fee for the event, enticing people to replay it a few more times (The rewards they could earn, certainly also helped) But it was also the fact that Jin had decided to keep his shop open 24 hours

The deht was primarily skewed towards office workers who came to vent their frustrations after their overtime A lot of them appreciate that there was still a place opened for supper, which catered such fantastic food that satisfied both office h some ask for alcohol and Jin said he would consider) After patronising the Restaurant Train of Delicacy instance, many would then head for the raid event Even if they did not, the amount of money they spent in the Restaurant Instance fully ly an increased nuhout the day It was only recently that Jin found out the actual reason from Gupta who came back a few times with soet' turned out to originate from the Ruby Rats who had come to collect some of their resurrectedpurposes Upon learning this, Jin was more than happy to accept the cash from his competitor He even told Gupta to tell their superiors if they wished toto make them an offer they wouldn't be able to resist

One raphic that surprised Jin ca before he switched shi+fts with Yun

Senior Citizens

The granded 60 to even 80 years old had also been interested in testing out the dungeon instances, but his usual rates were too expensive Not to

When news reached the hours and the latest raid instance was cheap enough, they figured it was the best opportunity to enter After experiencing an instance or two, so to the instance instead of their usualworkout if Jin continued to open at these tienerations of cultivators even made Jin dueons The System was extremely interested because those cultivations were not found in the books that Ming rewarded Jin Not to er than rade

Through a few conversations, Jin also learned more about his newest clients and found out why the le with the younger folks They were simply a little embarrassed to enter the instances, because of the eon supplier stores

However, Jin reassured the would not repeat itself in his shop, as everyone should have the opportunity to cultivate regardless of age If an incident such as that would to occur, he would personally see to thatboss for his assistance

On a different note, Jin purposely made into the last instance as a special hidden instance that could only be bought with 500 raid points When he was finished with it, he sent out a notification that a ”mysterious instance” has appeared after the Orcs had been beaten back for the 14,605 tiuely talked about an ary with all the bloodshed More was revealed when the cultivators obtained the hidden instance through the redemption store as the city contained obscure snippets of lore for those ere interested (Peppers had a lot of fun, writing it down and Jin even introduced the concept of player's achievement in the Pandamonium App due to this)

The Hidden Instance was also a wild success Jin created the instance by placing the cultivators randomly in the midst of an ambush by the Fire Orcs and forced them to react instantly Soh anyone who got that unlucky in the first 15 ot a second chance)

After the first day, the Hidden Instance was renae of the Goblin City” and Jin purposely listed the characteristics of the instance in the redemption counter to make sure that the cultivators had an infor it

Similar to what had happened, the city was located at the top of the volcano and the cultivators had to race against time to take down as many Fire Orcs as possible But unlike the real Operation Pompeii, Jin and the Systeoblin NPCs into the situation He wanted to simulate the liveliness in the city as co the Operation