Chapter 356 The Northern Diversion (1/2)

Nueon Supplier Moloxiv 50250K 2022-07-19

The horns blared so loudly that it could be heard throughout the valleys Slashreaver was looking nervously back to the Valley Town of Gob Gob Bu It was hard to iht would turn into a battlefield in no time at all The Thunder Orcs would start their attack soon

Even though it's supposed to be a mere ”Diversion” as reported by Jin, it was clear that no side could afford to pull their punches The broken gate had been replaced by a permanent fort ith the combined effort of Shu and Sandy before the Treant left for the Coastal Town of Gob Gob Si The Sand Witch remained to aid with the defences of the town This time around they had prepared more than just her sand sentinel to oversee the walls

Goblin Mages, Engineers, Another Jin and Niu Lang, the Cowherd had coether and the result of this very first collaboration between the members of different races resulted in 'Sand Golee hah the Syste an experienced Mecha pilot, Niu Lang had suggested soineers For exaolem, the pulleys to control the hts and ventilations

The Goblin Mages under Sandy's lead had e piles of sand and rock froe 'Hamster Ball' The rocks from the valleys were mixed with a sort of dense mineral, unqiue to this particular valley which acted as a sort of natural armour and was shaped into the core skeleton for the Sand Golem The sand and soil were processed over and over with the subsequent help of Goblin es to ensure that it would be as hard as possible Finally Another Jin used a secret ingredient for these Sand Goleical charms, which were aptly named the 'Frankenstein Activators' (A byproduct of Half Ghoul Lord Derek's inventions)

Niu Lang with his ample experience as the pilot of Mechataur had been the perfect candidate to test out the first prototypes of the Sand Golem He was rather happy with the result, especially after the activators aided with the sh the speed was still an issue

Also, when the visiting werejackals saw the project in the northern region while aiding the cultivators in the past few goblin days, they queried about their project too Grey became especially interested in it since he had already assisted in the research of the reani new things Gathering a bunch of Jacks, they asked Another Jin to allow theic unique to the werejackals as the final touch

Surprisingly one ot involved in their creation Colonel Ayse proved herself to not only be a wonderful hidden spy agent for Jin but also a hidden treasure trove full of experience The young Orc Lady secretly took the time to review the Sand Goleestions how to improve them in the future (Since the latest war operation was too near to es)

Nevertheless she did praise their effort After all, it was rather ingenious how Another Jin and the rest of the gang ed to create a mechanised walker within such a short amount of time without access to the Lost Tech blueprints

Eventually, the Sand Golems became operational with very littleit easy to replace on the battlefield Goblinsuch as providing the e ha Ayse deduced that their expendability and prolonged durability could becoht let thened for the Orc Army

A few carefully selected Goblins (mostly based on their size to fit into the haed to test them out a few days before the start of the Northern Diversion

Upon seeing the finished products of thecould not take it anymore and decided to renamed the Sand Golems into 'Sandroku Golee becaoblins loved it They even took soe from the town area and painted decals on their Sandroku Goleot a teeny weeny bit jealous of those golem pilots Unfortunately because of his size, he was unable to ride one of them Slashreaver did joke that all his father needed to do was to ht create one on the condition he'd join hioblins were able to extend their defence line to the outskirts of the valley tohere they could utilise the side cliffs to flank the Thunder Orc Army before they reached the Fort Walls of the valley town Each Sandroku Goleineers ed to wire to their backs It turned them into portable artillery which could respond to any threat as soon as possible

The only drawback was the li Hence, the Sword General Gladios would be the deciding factor when or where to use it and inforpies Not to mention, those Sandroku Golee melee weapons They waited patiently at side of the cliffs were the several anti tank cannons had also been placed with the help of Sandy

When Jin opened the 'instance' to the public, most of the newer cultivators were teleported to the northern valley and unlike Spear General Argent, Sword General Gladios was ordered by Jin to coised that these few comrades of his did not see much of the battle compared to the ones that had been selected to assist the Coastal Town of Gob Gob Si

Gladios roughly understood the underlying reason behind Jin's decision The Coastal Toas guarded heavily and had oblin arent with fresh recruits would only worsen the Spear General's headache in coordinating the defence On the other hand in this Valley Fort, the enemies could only come from one particular direction, it was a do or die situation Either they'd survive as one, or fail as one

Hence, Gladios gladly took the newer co and commanded them strictly It was a surprise not one had any qualh ranking NPC Unknown to hio the cultivators had learnt that it was a bad idea to go against the NPCs One of the cultivator as a Grade 4 and a regular at King's Monster wanted to skip all the introduction and si soe Captain Bai to a duel, which the later accepted immediately

The moment the duel started, the cultivator tried to attack Captain Bai yet the Panda evaded each strike easily No extra h distance to avoid the slash The cultivator then tried using his strongest technique… but failed miserably when Bai just walked to him and smashed his paw on the cultivator's face Only splatters of blood were left and the headless body was teleported out of the instance After he had awoken, Jin refunded the money with a stern look and warned him not to come back anyeon instances

The other cultivators itnessed that incident, spread it like wildfire in forus to know before entering Jin's Dungeons and Pandas” guide on the internet Hence, the cultivators followed Gladios strict to the letter whenever he gave out any order via the pies

”Go, enjoy yourselves The frontline troops are arriving soon” Gladios send the cultivators off when he heard the blaring horns of the Thunder Orc Aroblins staying at the cliff to commence their attacks the moment they saw the Thunder Orc Army If Jin's intel proved to be correct, it should turn into an easy battle with all their counter measures in place