Chapter 354 The Western Diversion - Part 1 (2/2)

Nueon Supplier Moloxiv 49970K 2022-07-19

The Ice Orc Fleet Admiral had received notice that their supreme commander, the Avatar of shi+va, Yellow Ice, would not be joining the officer, it was decided that he would need to take matters into his own hands ”It's about tiave the cohout the quiet colossal fleet, which it had been acting as a oblins

With one sound, the fleet i orders to no end Their wait for that signal was finally over Their shi+ps powered by a an to ing storm at them The Adht hamper the movement of their troops It see their invasion easy for them

If it were up to hi sun shi+ning at theion But because their primary objective was to serve as a diversion attack, they were forced to delay and to strike later in the evening so as to coincide with the rise of the Full Red Moon Which hy the weather and the environ's orders were absolute as their commander would say if he was here, so they were left with no other option but to make do hat they had


The anti tank cannons were all prepped with high explosive shells first which could travel the furthest range Once the Ice Orc Fleet would enter the range of about 10 km, they were ready to start the counterattack They were not necessarily ai to kill them but rather to suppress fire and decrease the orcs'In the uns which their goblin spotters were already prepping and verifying the exact coordinates for the Arty guns to fire before the shi+ps could move another inch forward

All of the created by Jin They were left with hi time dilation Nevertheless, their lack of time made it a horrible time to force them to study as if their life depended on it Apparently,theround as Royal Snake Zodiac Cultivator allowed him to have ways to 'provide' theruesome classroopies chirped sinal to fire which caused a barrage of sounds co from the peaceful western coast The airshi+ps piloted by the Wind Orc Air Force saw the ion and warned the Ice Orc Fleet about it However, it was a little too late when the shells hit a few of their warshi+ps and soht on fire because of the initiative attack

A few of the soblin spotters wanted to hit those first since theirtheet The bigger shi+ps were of course the larger threat but they could be dealt at a later time with the subsequent volleys

The orcs on the smaller assault shi+ps had to abandon shi+p before the fire consumed them It's either that or they would be stuck in the shi+p and be killed by the burning debris If not that, the other possibility was to be stuck in overflooded blocked cabins and that was no better

What they did not expect were the things that lurked in the sea… The Deep Ones were iet some action ever since the Ice Orc Fleet arrived in the Western Waters They finally had the chance to kill stuff especially when they were not even allowed to assist as guardians for the cultivators because they were next in line to be featured in Jin's store However, because of the rather sudden appearance of the raid event, they were overshadowed yet again And unfortunately for Derpy and his gang, Jin decided to focus all of his efforts to this raid event instead

Yet, Jin had deployed the notified the Deep Ones were elated that they finally would be able to get soht for a long tiive them the orders to assault the warshi+ps directly Else, they oblins prepared for naught (Most importantly, the cultivators would not have their fair share of battle And that would be bad for business)

So, Jin only allowed them to kill orcs who abandoned shi+p or those who dropped into the sea Whether the orcs put up a struggle or not was another matter To make up for all those restrictions Jin did allow them to attack the orcs once they decided to retreat Only Mr Derpy was forbidden to do anything except to support his entourage Of course, he was initially furious at this order Fortunately, Jin later convinced hiuarantee that he could ien in the hearts of the cultivators The i thosedid wonders to pacify Mr Derpy Watching his army have fun, he secretly prayed for the Fleet to quickly retreat since his jaere starting to feel itchy

So with their prey before the orcs were teared into pieces They stood no chance against their predators ere extremely versatile in the waters They were not called Terrors of the Deep for fun The rest killed the the the most of the armour or weapons

Despite their appearance, they were conscientious scavengers Whatever metal or leather pieces th orcs were equipped with, they would strip the orc clean before eating them up and nicely stack those pieces to offer the for the fellow Orc sailors to realise soed to surface froic into the sea and only later found out that there were seaso vicious and rampant never happened before which they quickly reported to their higher ups The leaders could only deduce their usage of lost tech ht have attracted these monsters of the deep sea

This situation alone presented the Ice Orc Admiral a certain dileoblin artillery bo to stop for the the orders to aid the orcs in need, on the other hand, he felt it was a waste of resources trying to aid them By noas al the to help would be equally cruel and de for the sailors

It was not a decision he couldwith his conscience, he decided to follow logic and issued orders to press forth with full engines ahead while telling his orcs to prepare the long range cannons for a counter attack The orc leaders had no choice but to follow the command of their admiral In order to fire at theun ports to fire This in turn, et meant less chance to miss

The massive warshi+ps finally turned and fired their cannons whenever as soon as they felt they were in the correct angle and range which caused those behind the fort walls to brace themselves for the attack before they retaliated back with the anti tank cannon fire

In theas troop transports started transferring the main bulk of the orcs troops fro the other side of their warshi+ps as cover to transfer troops, it would ensure the troops transfer be protected while the warshi+ps fired their cannons on the other side After which, theto reach before they got hit by the goblin's cannon fire


”Woah, I can even feel the shockwaves from here” Abdul praised the realise when he felt the cannon shots hitting the fort wall

”No kidding, and it looks like the battle's just barely began and I already feel reed as he finished his chips Both of the for the orcs to enter the shore so that they could get into action