Chapter 332 Hou Feis Blueprints (1/2)

Nueon Supplier Moloxiv 76750K 2022-07-19

Hou Fei woke up in thephone that was lying right beside his bed He got used to receiving ht calls since his work involved collaboration with overseas partners Nonetheless, he was still mildly surprised when he saw the nu Master?” Hou Fei sat up slohile reaching out for a glass of water at the bedside cabinet he had placed earlier to drink after waking up for just such an occasion

”You sound so slee- Oh! shi+t, I didn't realise what time it was at all I a from the other side of the conversation

”No worries Young Master, I a back to sleep since the situation did not seehtly call wasn't even on purpose Most likely Jin had been too busy creating so that he did not even take a look at his clock before re about Hou Fei That or he went to so The Panda Clan Re to be not only possible but seely easy to achieve via the System

”I have decided to cooperate with you However, I need military blueprints as soon as possible If you have theet the System to open a portal for you I promise to do the s onto call it a matter of life and death” Jin explained and Hou Fei was quickly shocked more awake

”What exactly happened?” He asked with concern since Jin was initially apprehensive in creating the large scale e hisout of the ordinarystory short, I currently aly not only has the power to dominate the entire world Their world to be exact, not ours and they are in theexactly that They live in ould probably describe as a y', which you can think of as y On their side are representatives of awfully strong ical Gods that should be equivalent to a Grade 15 and above Western Magic users and also shi+t tons ofhih Intensity Mode by the Syste the new real ti

”I see…? Erm okay, you hold the line for a while Let ot out of his bed and turned on his desktop which booted within seconds While he was searching for his work files which he had secretly taken for reference and 'research' purposes, Hou Fei asked Jin what exactly the other one wanted

”How about a C130 o transport aircraft? Or Military Airshi+ps, those balloon ones? Or an aircraft carrier I was thinking of co balloon airshi+p and aircraft carrier together If not, soreat” Jin said while he continued to assist another Jin as creating the background story scenarios by choosing which costueon instances into the control console

”Ah, you are lucky I have the basic 1960s C130 transport blueprint on my computer sadly it's not the latest super Hercules version, hope that is fine with you” Hou Fei wore and pushed up his round rihtedness to search for the blueprint file

”Well, beggars can't be choosers I do notas I have the basic schematics The System should be able to iron out the bad parts of the plane I a like automated turrets and the likes to be mounted on a wall?” Jin did not knohat to look for since he never ie scale war, not to n world

”You think this is soun turrets and missile turrets? Our particular s developed yet because it would be suicidal and Friend or Foe recognition would be a pain in the ass to create Not to o wrong with that, or so soun emplacements and bunkers and perhaps some surface-to-air norant and Jin did not kno to reply back

”I erht our ” Jin tried to salvage the situation

”Sigh, my bad too Perhaps I was merely jealous that there is so er suited to participate in a combat situation” Hou Fei ad up to a person he just ht have an idea, how you can actively help out Perhaps take charge of teaching the goblins how to use the uns and where to place the bunkers” Jin offered whichwould be better than to merely sit at the sidelines

”What's the compensation?” Hou Fei tried to play the money card to see if he could squeeze any benefits fro to do it for free

”Eh, how about we consider it as a test to see if you are really co our territory as the potential future defence eon dollars worth of budget at his disposal and he could convert them to Chinese Yuan or USD to pay Hou Fei But like a businessman, he tried to keep cost low if possible unless Hou Fei insisted on y as Ming Can you believe that your grandpa made us, his subordinates, pay for the drinks, instead of the other way around? But okay, let's do it your way But once I become the defence minister, I expect to be showered with lots of ered as he downloaded a few ht would be helpful for the survival of a particular goblin kingdoe about As sly as he was, most of the blueprints were old h favours all for hobby's sake ”Who knew, collecting patented old military tech blueprints that were once locked underhandy for htwear for a proper shi+rt and shorts

It was unfortunate he was unable to obtain the latest high tech blueprints that potentially could give the extra edge to any ht be able to obtain them from various military tech producers for a hefty price but he did not Mainly because they were too expensive and did not have the feeling of uniqueness which the old blueprints had Most of the new ns and modified via it They did not feel special at all and the latest revolutionary ones were so heavily guarded that his connectionsto do so, would ainst the respective country

The portal appeared right in front of hie that he was ready He entered it only to be astounded by the eon Maker One Jin caasted older man to explain to him that time was of the essence and they needed to hurry The tieon Maker would reduce the relative time lost in Goblin World as compared to if he was in his real world ”Ah A year for a month Did not expect that kind of disparity of tie No wonder you had ” Hou Fei said as he passed the USB thumb drive to the Jin in front of hieon Maker and pulled the data out of the USB thumb drive He noticed there were not only the C130 blueprints but equipment blueprints from the past wars, especially froured you needed some of this” Hou Fei smiled as he explained the various blueprints There was the infa 50 calibre heavy un, the 4x4 Command Reconnaissance utility trucks or Jeeps in short, the M2A1 Howitzer artillery gun, and lastly, the Gerun

”Not that I aet those schematics?” Jin asked and Hou Fei only winked at him once

”I will leave you to your work Just tell ” Hou Fei told him, and was on his way out but before he could leave, Jin stopped him

”You can teach them now if you want” Jin pressed a few buttons and asked Hou Fei to proceed to the door East of the Dungeon Maker Hou Fei did not ask much and opened the door to see that tens of M1 Garand rifles were already fully assee extended table while two M2 Browning HMG were in theproduced

Hou Fei's jaws dropped and Jin did not bother with him ”How did you do it so fast?! Wait no it's the powers of the Syste to possess” Hou Fei picked one up to get the feel of the rifle and he felt it was more robust than the one he carried before

”Remnant Hou Fei, the er ones and the design has been tweaked to reduce uns The rest of the blueprints that were given have already been analysed and tweaks are underway to ensure sturdiness and ically extended the rooe for Hou Fei to try out

He wore the earplugs that were provided on the table and inserted a cartridge of bullets into the all new M1 Garand Rifle The feel of the rifle was fantastic and he could even s of a sturdy solid wood ”Inhale…BANG” Hou Fei fired the shots until he heard the traditionalsound of the clip that flew out of the rifle It was very satisfying with only a inal rifle and the firepower seeuns

”Come to think of it, why did you not simply ask the System to make those weapons for you? I believe there should be rifles out there in the Weapon Store that could help to assist the goblins too” Yun who brought a tray of Black Ivory coffee into the Dungeon Maker and passed it to Jin as well as Hou Fei

”I checked before, the Weapon Store does sell guns and explosives but the cost of buying the the blueprint and buying the tons of h” The Jin near Hou Fei answered Yun after thanking her for the cup of coffee The other Jins also thanked her as she approached each one of theeon Supplier Level reduces the duty tax rate to zero, allowing you to buy from the System at cost price plus miscellaneous expenses related to your purchase The duty tax was to prevent potential Users fro the System's supply stocks While secondary, the System made use of the duty tax surplus to achieve other miscellaneous objectives This reduction of duty tax includes subsequent purchases of anymedicinal bath materials and completed products” Systeement

”Ehhhhhh! So does that mean my blueprints are essentially useless?” Hou Fei cae and felt e ative, your blueprints mean the System and User are able to create our very own products and are also able to market them to finance the store The Gearbox blueprints which User had obtained and produced are selling like hotcakes in other worlds Syste skills to sell at exorbitant prices” System stated as another Jin as at the far end corner of the Dungeon Maker stuck out his tongue in embarrassment

”Of course, we did not sell the perfect version but the one with a fes and some with less obvious defects which did not create safety issues though After all, if we sell the perfect version, they would not come back for more in the future The Black Market is rather fun” Another Jin boasted and the main Jin shook his head He could not believe his own personality was equally shrewd like the Syste hiuy had to sneeze out of nowhere)

”Now I also understand how the Systeeon dollars as your budget” Yun as looking at her phone realised that the Gearboxes were sold for at least 2-3 eon dollars each More if there were personalwas sold in the black market

”Don't you ever worry those products that you sell will eventually co from experience and Jin could sense that Another Jin shook his head and revealed that all the products created by the System had asimilar to a kill switch and Jin had been told that it was initially made by previous members of the Panda Clan to test for authenticity of products since they were from a family of businessmen and traders and it turned out, that he was not the first ar shot

The System even seemed to boast that the inscription had been improved many times over and had yet to disappoint Soly disintegrate with the product However it was clearly written at the bottoh the part of disintegration cahtly invisible print

”So evil Young Master, you are so clever in this business sense that I aed hihtly unco happily that it was not the I have a wife too Unfortunately, I don't see her that often, she is just very committed to her job” Hou Fei rubbed Another Jin's head and asked the Original Jin where he should be going next