Chapter 280 Tact Tweak (1/2)

Nueon Supplier Moloxiv 28410K 2022-07-19

”Aren't you co Now that he had a contest going on and had already asked the bellators to take note of the whether he should participate actively or take on the role of a tactical leader

If there were going to be fights against King Baal when the Dungeon City Fortress is up, he would need to eot hiainst Moloch in a similar tactical battle kind of situation

”Moloch,here for a while Zeru too” Jin called theeon Maker interface While everyone else was preparing their gears and organising their teams, he wanted to make use of their expertise, since one was a Lord who had experienced governing, and the other was a natural born fighter

”I would like your opinions on a tactical coo into the fray with the others or should I stay at the back and command?” Jin asked, but both of his followers almost immediately answered in unison: ”Go into the fray”

”Woas not expecting that” Jin initially thought they would have differing opinions, but in the end, they gave the sa speed

”You do not have the traits to be a co somewhat benevolent, this also makes you not fit to be a tactical leader You would be too concerned about your troops' safety You are unlikely to send the theh I must adht situation” Zeru gave Jin his analysis

”I concur You are at best a squad leader, but not a tactical commander Just take this particular contest you created as an example It's not a bad event, and it would increase the competitiveness and ca Other coled out several key individuals to specifically lead the teaence before charging into to unknown territory But these are my own opinions I had lead teams and served under command many times but I had yet to find that perfect someone who has the combination of charismatic leadershi+p and selfless care for their troops and ruthless tactics” Moloch commented

”I do not think I have that kind of capacity in hed

”Each and everyone has their own strength and weakness It is even better that you know your own inability than pretending you can do such a thing” Moloch coiven ht Especially when I see you distribute the kind of weapons to yourspecialised in one particular trait It's not a bad thing, but you have to understand that specialisation gives you the edge It's how you put the edges together in a way and ives them a chance for your minions' potential to shi+ne” Moloch explained further

”Not everyone has a flair for everything Not everyone has a System in their possession” Moloch's as sharp and to the point, but Jin understood and acknowledged it

”But that does not mean you cannot learn,” Moloch added as he walked towards the Syste I asked you to prepare?”

”That will relinquish 5 of your rights of the Dungeon City Fortress to the System Do you accept this?” The System asked, and Moloch nodded his head

”I can see that the System is not really as bad as it was5 of hts” Moloch replied, and the Syste whiteboard