Chapter 205 Shop Level One Instance (1/2)
Jin could not believe his eyes the moment he teleported into the dimensional instance He would later aptly rename it as the Shop Level One Instance because it's si the whole entire Shop Level One Instance, it was beyond his wild iinations
”I did say I would trythose other rewards yet” Yun s in awe at the entire place
Indeed, the place had received an entire revamp with the unlimited space that the instance allowed It portrayed a very spacious feeling and no doubt the custoht upon seeing the change
When they were teleported in, both Jin and Yun were immediately at the epicentre of a massive circular shaped hall And at the centre of the hall here the new bar circular island was situated Around the island, there were six cinematic like auditoriums and the bar island which was in the middle of the six auditoriums with low levelled ramps that lead to them And yes, the auditoriums were the dimensional stations which the cultivators will have access to
So technically, if you are standing at the centre, you had a view of all six different auditoriued reinforced glass silass door was installed to protect the base the auditorium's noise level within its own area too so that the custo auditorium
Why would they do that? Because each auditorium had a cinematic widescreen that was able to portray crystal clearin In short, each auditorius were free and anyone can coo whenever they wanted
What iswas that the theatre did not only show the scenes of a particular dungeon With di was possible and so were announcers and critics Shop Level One Instance had employed their very own 'unique' announcers and they were none other than the penguin Mr Patsu and Bear Cub One, a trainee fro service instance
Mr Patsu earing a suit and carrying a headset e red flashy bowtie and an old school cordless mic with hihts especially when the instance was teeood idea since it was really funny to see Mr Patsu with Bear Cub One following it, running around the entire area
The auditoriuh definition screen installed, but the couches were also equally of high quality Yes, couches, not plastic seats Four extended 'Kennedee' Curved Sofa were placed on each 'step' of the auditorium and that amounted to 24 of those sofas in each auditorium and there was a total of 144 in the current shop instance
Was that a big idea? In fact, yes it is! For a sofa like that, it would have cost Jin 117,130 Yuan or 13,000 sterling pounds but knowing the System, it probably manufactured the sofas way cheaper than the current ht it at a very cheap price since he did not forget that the System was a business related entity
Jin asked why such expensive sofas and Yun's ansas sis, frame and the joinery were important for durability especially when the nu the crowd size Jin always had in his shop At the very least, they did not have to squeeze with each other as compared to the old store layout