Chapter 188 Shop Sign (1/2)
Jin had a change of clothes and decided to throw additional sets of clothing into his storage ring quickly but it see out ”I have to do the laundry again,” The thought of doing housework hit Jin,him wish that he would be in soe his clothes regularly
Regardless, today is not the day for housework as he quickly dashed out of his house to reach the store pro to enter the store and one of the Da
”Boss! I orried sick! What happened to you? Are you okay?” Xiong Da asked and Jin nodded his head
”I was…eh…I overslept” Jin decided to admit that he overslept and everyone in the queue looked at each other before laughing in unison
”Boss Boss! If you had so important to do, just say so No one would blame you!” A customer shouted heartily at Jin
”Yeah Boss, you do not have act Panda-ish on us” Another feled as she commented
”Haha, Boss, by the e really like your new signage Did not know that it was up, until thisDa added as he pointed at the top of the store Jin then realised that the signage that the System pro it up in order to draw more attention
And attention it did draw
It was not a n …it was an overlyonto a hoard of equipold coins However, it looked like it was sleeping while biting onto a bae that it nearly covered the entire 2nd and 3rd floor of the traditional storehouse
Right at the bottoeons and Pandas” ritten in a siraphy that eluded the beauty of the words Surprisingly, it felt a little poignant but the bittersweet aftertaste of the calligraphy on the thick baantic cute billboard above it
”The Systen at theMan was surrounded with nboards froh bitterly as he thought about it
”You seeht up with Jin after leaving the house
”I have ht
”Try activating your Chi to it You will understand” Jin did what Yun said and suddenly he was transported to another world
Scenes of hi hai Tower and the recent fight against the Bull Behe into his mind until Jin broke the Chi flow from it