Chapter 169 Battle Card Interface (1/1)
Yun placed Jin's phone on top of one of the cash ports of the vending machine and the interface besides the es ”First ti decks for each ht Please hold”
Froan keep appearing in chronological order First were the goblins, then Mr Oink, and subsequently Ke Mi as well as the rest of the gang Jin and Yun werethe packs to place them on the table's interface
”Wow, there are quite a few packs of cards indeed! But how do they actually work?” Jin asked and Yun, as taking out the cards from the card packs, answered hi Pandawan” Yun finished opening the goblin deck completely and placed it on the interface She then asked Jin to not touch the rest of the decks at the moment ”As you can see, the moment you place the cards on the interface, the screen will i to the deck that the card is froer Goblin came out on the screen and they were shown as cards In the next few steps, Yun showed hiet the deck cards scanned and analysed by the systeht in front of hioblin and the screen iht now, the dagger goblin not only held two daggers, but it was also equipped with a shortbow and quiver that was hanging right behind its body, though it was covered by his cape
”Wow, this is ame system I have ever seen” Jin was a little excited as it had been ages since he had last touched a proper card game ”Mmm, so let's say this is what I wanted my monster to equip I would put these two cards into this particular slot here and press this big green 'Fuse' button So, the interface would then cover the slot and in a few seconds a new card would appear” Yun waited for a while and true enough when the cover for the slot was automatically opened, a new card was revealed
”What's raphic Pick it up and insert some chi into it” Yun instructed Jin and he did as he was told A greenish light screen appeared from the card and the stats, weapons and any armour equipped were all shown on it
”This is really fascinating, but why should I do this? Can't I make my own items for the monsters?” Jin asked
”Well, you could It doesn't ht even get soeon takeovers All you have to do is place them on this interface for them to be converted into cards ”Yun de theical particles swirled around the item, the teacup and the saucer both becath and time to locate and coordinate weapons and ar to equip all your zombies with different equipment? With this card system, you can even ask the syste iteonna think about it and play around a little before doing anything drastic Anyway, now that he has a boith hioblin' isn't really appropriate” Jin took a closer look at the design of the card The front was illustrated with the new art design displaying the neeapon and the back of the card was actually engraved with a unique goblin insignia silhouette to identify the card deck this particular card was froers, like how they call each other Spear and Sword” Yun gave a randoave her a curious look ”Don't they have their own naeon oblins ioblin was actually holding onto the new short bow that Yun had randomly inserted as an exa before, but what are your names?” Jin scratched his head in embarrassment
”Master, My lowly nareat master, my humble name is Slashreaver,” Sword Goblin answered
”Master, one's naer Goblin bowed once again in gratitude
”Eh, I was just testing out a new card systeuys have any preferences in terms of weapons or armour?” Jin beckoned them to stand up and cohtly tall so Jin coeon Maker to lower the table and they all sat around it and started discussing
”Are you okay with a short bow?” Jin asked and Ripcaller, the dagger goblin, nodded his head excitedly, bordering on wildly ”It was my childhood dream to ith a bow, but I was just not allowed because the quota for the goblin archers reached the e,” Ripcaller responded
'Hoblin world is like…Maybe I should ask theht to hi their weapon preferences Once they were done, Jin rearranged the cards and carried out the placeical particles appeared around each of the three goblins and they were decked full with aroblins liked it iven to them when they previously reached Grade 2 Now they were deadlier than before and would prove a challenge to es to the power levels and streaht to himself before he repeated the sa the what equipood for them Of course, exceptions were made The zombies and the Deep Ones weren't asked as the zombies were brainless while the Deep Ones had yet to contribute to the shop's coffers
”Yun, so how do I earn new cards if I do not make or create new equipeon Maker now had a dedicated drawer to keep the card decks neat and organised Whenever Jin wanted a specific deck, all he had to do was call out the monster's name, and card decks in the drawer shuffled themselves for Jin to precisely pick his desired card deck out
”Just pay 10 Dungeon Dollars for a card, It's more or less random but there's a chance for unique rarity Oh, do remember to tell the system which monster you intend the equipive you a card randoacha too? And 10 Dungeon Dollars? That is like 1000 Yuan” Jin usted face
”If that's the case, you can just wait until you reach a new cultivation grade and the systeed her shoulders to express her nonchalant attitude
”Forget about that for now… I just struck soital pets systeital pets…instead of the mindlessly in an arena” Inspired by the battle card systeht to himself and wrote it down in the KIV section of the to-do list on his phone