Chapter 94: Secret Passage Way (1/2)

Nueon Supplier Moloxiv 18070K 2022-07-19

The CEO of the First Panda Bank alking in circles anxiously at the side of an abandoned building three blocks away frouards ar him and they saluted Captain Bai when both of the frouard informed Captain Bai before they were ordered to be at ease

”Took you long enough” CEO Scabba took out his pocket watch and pushed up his es Are You sure your team can apprehend these jackals?” The rat stuffed his pocket watch back into his pocket before he juuard to support him while he wrote the passcode on the wall of the abandoned building with his claws

”This is the passage to the First Panda Bank?” Se Lang was e to thewas a ruse, it has 24 hours of non-standardised , and there are even hidden security bots” Captain Bai said as he entered the roo it was safe

”Clueless homeless people will usually stay here They can open the door to this abandoned building without the passcode but the passcode is needed to open a secret level hidden in the baseuard's paw and walked along with the cultivators

”The secret passage will lead you straight to the vault room,” Scabba coeway I have ever heard of If the robbers knew about this route, they will surely enter fro the Puma replied with a shake of her head

”Then they are the stupid ones If the passageway detects anything that looks and feels like eway systehly radioactive sources will be eh the valves They will die horribly in the passageway” Scabba chuckled at the ingenious design of the secret passage

”Then wouldn't we die? I believe so felt cold sweat start for as I cast this inscription on your hand, you will not be affected by it The duration is long enough for you to reach the Bank's vault” Scabba took a wand out and cast a mass spell to both Foxtrot teams

”Then what about the way back?” shi+ Hui the Swan asked

”The way back? You are joking, right? Coet rid of those da his wand away and led them to the secret basement level

Both Foxtrot teareed with Scabba The cultivators were here to fight and not to back down Why did they have a sudden sense of dread when CEO Scabba co! The more time we dally, the more time the jackals have to fulfil their h the secret basee lead to inside the vault or outside the vault?” Jia Ying the Stag asked for clarification's sake

”Of course, outside the vault!” However, Scabba seeed to catch a glimpse of it before he entered the baseuys, I think we should be careful” Lee An spoke in a low voice after everyone entered the secret passage, except for CEO Scabba and Captain Bai