Chapter 90: Jin At Work (1/1)

Nueon Supplier Moloxiv 19610K 2022-07-19

”Welcoital screen showed those feords bright and clear

A selection appeared right in front of Jin Ieon?

”Well, let's check on the old dungeons and see if I can give the blocks on it so I can use that as a learning experience before I build eon

Jin pressed on the first option and the dungeon ave a list of available options for Jin to choose frooblin dungeon, the zither eon He selected the goblin dungeon and noticed the entire rooe its landscape to suit the dioblins resided A large cineround stores were activated right in front of him

Other options such as AI characters and ital screen Jin knew that this current dungeon for siht their enemies in waves

”I should create a short storyline while utilising the ht to hieon Jin found that, surprisingly, the budget allocated for this dungeon was not even half used so he decided to take a look at the AI characters and hts? That would definitely be interesting” Jin thought for a while and finally decided on a short storyline He started to put a few AI characters in, repositioned the goblins and even added oblins to suit the all-new storyline After he was done, he checked the budget and discovered that he was barely within the budget And just like that, he pressed the finish button

”Syste storyline viability and interest” The saeon Maker instance and Jin waited for the results as the rooes of dueon In less than aof B+, which eon

However, he did not realise that upon using the budget to the eon had increased by another 100 Yuan ”I think the new storyline should be worth it for the cultivators Besides, it would be on htly easier for newcoeon, he suddenly saw a pop-up ”Congratulations on creating your first dungeon! A new creature has been given to you for your efforts Please check your creatures list for more details”

”Wow, a new ital screen that contained his ht actually suit the Zither Mistress dungeon He did not knohether the syste to help him indirectly or it was just a coincidence However, Jin had been encountering too many coincidences that he started to question whether the syste him towards a certain path in life

He checked the stats profile of the new creature and it was the Sand Witch According to the profile's description, the Sand Witch was a lady with extraordinary abilities in the manipulation of sand, dust and dirt Her ability to create the sand-related sues

Next, he opened up the Zither Mistress dungeon to revaeon, he did not keep the original monsters Instead, Jin decided to ree, he placed the Sand Witch in it

”I think this scene would be great for Zither Mistress” Jin had decided to change the dungeon landscape by adding an open-air theatre to the grasslands Once again, he added the necessary AI and monsters on loan and he carefully added lines of possible dialogue for the AI to speak

According to the manual, the AI needed to knohat their eon, what role the AI was playing at and how extensive the role would be Jin, the dungeon creator, could add in additional lines and dialogues for it to understand its roles better so that it could better interact with the cultivators when needed

However, unlike the goblin dungeon, Jin was required to use the demonstrate play option to create stock dum some of the aspects of this particular new storyline ”This is much harder than I envisioned it to be” Jin did one last test run before sub the new storyline to the syste and he was given some constructive criticiss ”If Sand Witch interrupts the play at scene C, it would have ain scene D” The female announcer explained to him

”Hmm, but won't it affect scene E and F if I do that?” Jin asked

”That is where the customers' choice comes in Give more room to your customers and it will be a better experience” The feht, let's try that,” Jin said and changed his design around as recommended by the system For some reason, Jin suddenly felt that the systeeable in the aspect of dungeon ht that it would be more cold and calculative, similar to ritten in the fantasy novels he had read

”Now, tieons with the new creatures I just caught” Jin stretched his hands and did soeon The interface for everything re the situation he wanted the cultivators to be in before he started to add in various roup, I think this is the best situation to go forth with…” Jin pressed onwhile he started to get creative with his placement of monsters and AIs

”Hahaha, Bank Heist This will be great to let the cultivators play hero” Jin laughed as he tried all sorts of options he was permitted to by the system to fit the storyline To top it off, Jin had already been in the Dungeon Maker for nearly 8 hours straight and he did not feel a single bit of fatigue at all

”Perhaps, I should restrict the aet a bit anxious when Jin was creating his dungeons a little too joyfully