Chapter 34 - Two Parted! - Porn Star (1/2)
With a recollection of his sacred memory, Chuck reached for his custom-made 15 inches titanium-edged, thick carbon-steel sonic knife, weighing over 9 lbs. The whole piece was made as a special order in Rushia. Chuck always had his knife holstered at the back of the lapels inside his suit.
Every time he grabbed onto his blade, it reminds him of the reality and the necessity of violence.
The inbuilt motor starts to buzz a faint hum as if it is buzzing with excitement, letting Chuck know its thirst for blood...
Chuck started to breathe in a paced manner, slowly increasing his heart rate. It reached 100 bpm, and to 200, then it reached 300 and finally broke 400 bpm...
When his heart rate hit 400 bpm, it was as if a static current was constantly passing through his whole body. If an MRI was scanning Chuck, it would be buzzing all the trigger alarms detecting the abnormal activity in his brain...
...Chuck's brain activity doubled...
...and kept increasing times more...
” begins again...”
”...activate foresight...”
Every Special Op team is equipped with operatives of different elements. There are, Assaulters, specializing in mid-range and live close-combat; Bombers, experts in traps and structural destruction; Snipers, long-range killers; and lastly, the less noticed, but tactically important Scouts.
Scouts are the calmest and the most intuitive unit in a Special Ops team. Zhang Jie was always a prudent person, who highly suited for a career as a Scout. His training made him more cautious and more vigilant, he was the only one who took the mission against the Tzar serious enough.
The three sudden death's made him realize that they stand no chance against the humanoid beast. He understood that a Tzar is a threat that they are unqualified to handle. When the bomber expert was thrown on the center, Zhang Jie's reaction was not to go and help but to shut his ear and run back. His timely thinking let him not be affected by the blast and assess the situation sooner than anyone.
'Low visibility. Our guns are useless if we cannot get a visual, the Tzar's heightened physical prowess has the full advantage over the situation. We need to get back the visual on him to mount any form of counter-attack, and as long as we are in this dust cloud, the snipers are also useless. We need to get out of the dust cloud,' Zhang Jie expertly analyzed the situation in a few seconds and formulated a plan.
[Click] He dialed in the team's radio channel in his transmitter...
”...platoon 3654, this is Operative Eagle, we have lost visual on the target and are surrounded by the debris cloud. It is high-risk to stay in the dust clouds, make you way out...”
”...I repeat, prioritize exiting the dust cloud...”
”...don't look for team members...”
”..despite your exit location, gather at the location of a sniper...”
” Sniper unit...”
”...Sniper unit reporting...”
” of you should cover the exit of other operatives, the other should closely monitor the dust cloud and report when you get any visuals on the target...”
[Click] The connection was cut at Zhang Jie's end. However, he wasn't the one who ended the radio...
”Thank you for letting me know that there are 2 snipers,” said a lightly amused male voice, a voice that Scout Zhang Jie was very familiar with... was the voice of the man that ended two of his superiors in mere seconds...