Chapter 7 - A boy becomes a man (1/2)
Looking at the pitiful state of Joab, Chuck sighed and turned to the lanky punk.
”You! what were you planning to do with the knife?”
”I... I... was just...”
”Darby is everyone you know an idiot?”
Darby cursed the seven generations of the blabbering fool in his mind, as he hastily told the punk to spill the beans.
”I was going to teach the bitch a lesson by knifing her face, she came at me on the streets, standing up for her loser brother. You understand me right, big brother Chuck. We men need to keep up our reputation on the streets.”
The reply stunned Chuck and Darby at how serious this little lunch money thief thought of himself and after a moment of stunned silence...
”Hahahahaha Darby, did the little dipshit gave us a talk on the 'reputation on the streets'?”
”I apologize Big brother Chuck, it seems the kid's been kicked in the head,” said Darby as he also joined Chuck in laughing at the serious punk.
Laughing out loud Chuck walked to the lanky bully and without any notice...
[Slap] Five of Chuck's fingers were etched onto his face as the fell face down on the pavement. Angered by being suddenly assaulted the punk planned to get back up and knife Chuck.
Sadly, Chuck loves bitch-slapping a lot.
Therefore, before his plan was even fully thought of, he was slapped 13 times and his head felt dizzy. All the thought of fighting back flew away from his head.
”Big brother Chuck, I will not mess with anyone again, please let me go,” cried the punk as he begged to stop the demon from slapping his teeth in.
[SLAP] ”When did I tell you to turn a new leaf?”
[SLAP] ”Don't assume shit for me!”
”Then... I will bully everyone! I will be the most despicable person there is, looking up to Big Brother Chuck, following his footsteps...”
”Big brother Chuck please tell me what to do... Please stop slapping me, even my mother won't recognize me if my face swelled anymore,” cried the punk with his tears streaming down.
[SLAP] ”That will be the last and it is for not asking me what to do sooner.”
”The other slaps are for trying to knife this beautiful face,” pointed at Makena as Chuck berated the punk.
”You think it is easy to meet beauties? You fucking retard. I'll fucking knife your balls if you ever try any shit like that again”, threatened Chuck as he was furious.
During his heated tirade, he missed the young Makena pressing her athletic thighs together, looking at Chuck with infatuated eyes.
However, Makena's smitten eyes opened wide to what Chuck said next.