Part 37 (1/2)
”It is the same thing,” said Berengaria.
Adriana was with Lady Roehampton when Lady Montfort was announced.
Adriana came to console; but she herself was not without solace, for, if there were a change of government, she would see more of her friend.
”Well; I was prepared for it,” said Lady Roehampton. ”I have always been expecting something ever since what they called the Bed-Chamber Plot.”
”Well; it gave us two years,” said Lady Montfort; ”and we are not out yet.”
Here were three women, young, beautiful, and powerful, and all friends of Endymion--real friends. Property does not consist merely of parks and palaces, broad acres, funds in many forms, services of plate, and collections of pictures. The affections of the heart are property, and the sympathy of the right person is often worth a good estate.
These three charming women were cordial, and embraced each other when they met; but the conversation flagged, and the penetrating eye of Myra read in the countenance of Lady Montfort the urgent need of confidence.
”So, dearest Adriana,” said Lady Roehampton, ”we will drive out together at three o'clock. I will call on you.” And Adriana disappeared.
”You know it?” said Lady Montfort when they were alone. ”Of course you know it. Besides, I know you know it. What I have come about is this; your brother must be in the new parliament.”
”I have not seen him; I have not mentioned it to him,” said Myra, somewhat hesitatingly.
”I have seen him; I have mentioned it to him,” said Lady Montfort decidedly. ”He makes difficulties; there must be none. He will consult you. I came on at once that you might be prepared. No difficulty must be admitted. His future depends on it.”
”I live for his future,” said Lady Roehampton.
”He will talk to you about money. These things always cost money. As a general rule, n.o.body has money who ought to have it. I know dear Lord Roehampton is very kind to you; but, all his life, he never had too much money at his command; though why, I never could make out. And my lord has always had too much money; but I do not much care to talk to him about these affairs. The thing must be done. What is the use of a diamond necklace if you cannot help a friend into parliament? But all I want to know now is that you will throw no difficulties in his way. Help him, too, if you can.”
”I wish Endymion had married,” replied Myra.
”Well; I do not see how that would help affairs,” said Lady Montfort.
”Besides, I dislike married men. They are very uninteresting.”
”I mean, I wish,” said Lady Roehampton musingly, ”that he had made a great match.”
”That is not very easy,” said Lady Montfort, ”and great matches are generally failures. All the married heiresses I have known have s.h.i.+pwrecked.”
”And yet it is possible to marry an heiress and love her,” said Myra.
”It is possible, but very improbable.”
”I think one might easily love the person who has just left the room.”
”Miss Neuchatel?”
”Adriana. Do not you agree with me?”
”Miss Neuchatel will never marry,” said Lady Montfort, ”unless she loses her fortune.”
”Well; do you know, I have sometimes thought that she liked Endymion?
I never could encourage such a feeling; and Endymion, I am sure, would not. I wish, I almost wish,” added Lady Roehampton, trying to speak with playfulness, ”that you would use your magic influence, dear Lady Montfort, and bring it about. He would soon get into parliament then.”
”I have tried to marry Miss Neuchatel once,” said Lady Montfort, with a mantling cheek, ”and I am glad to say I did not succeed. My match-making is over.”