Part 30 (1/2)

”Of course, it was all the biggest piece of luck that ever happened, Ned. Hop aimed the ball just right, and somehow or other I managed to kick it. Maybe any one would have done just as well, because I guess it was an easy goal. Anyway, the honor of the Turners was safe!”

”You're a regular brick,” said Ned, a bit huskily. ”What-what happened afterward? I didn't stay.”

”Afterward Hop looked at me kind of queer and said, 'I guess that'll do for you, Turner,' and I beat it away from there as fast as I knew how, and Mulford sent in some other poor unfortunate. There were only half a dozen plays after that, and we kicked whenever we got the ball.”

”Do you think any one but Hop found out?” asked Ned, anxiously.

”Not a one. And I'm not sure, mind you, that Hop did. You see, he didn't _say_ anything. Only, he did call me 'Nid' at first, and then 'Turner'

the next time. I haven't seen him since. I guess I never will know, unless I ask him. One thing's sure, though, Ned, and that is that Hop won't talk.”

”You don't think I'd ought to fess up?” asked Ned.

”I do not,” replied Laurie stoutly. ”What's the good? It wasn't your fault if you went to sleep out in the country. If any one's to blame, it's me. I oughtn't to have hoaxed them. No, sir; if Mulford or any one says anything, just you tell them you fell asleep and couldn't help getting there late. But I don't believe any one will ask questions now.

They're all too pleased and excited. But, gee, Neddie! I certainly am glad I made that goal instead of missing it. I'd be a pretty mean feeling pup to-night if I hadn't!”

”It was wonderful,” mused Ned. ”You putting it over, I mean. With all that crowd looking on, and Farview shouting-”

”Shouting? I didn't hear them. I didn't know whether there was any one around just then! I had troubles of my own, partner! Know something?

Well, I think there's the chap who kicked that goal.” Laurie raised his right foot and displayed one of Ned's scuffed football shoes. ”I guess I just sort of left things to him and he did the business. Good old Mister Shoe!”

Ned jumped to his feet and pulled Laurie from the bed. ”For the love of lemons,” he cried, ”get those togs off before any one comes in!”

”Gee, that's so!” Laurie worked feverishly, while Ned stumbled over a chair and turned the key in the lock.

”A fine pair of idiots we are!” exclaimed Ned, as he ripped Laurie's s.h.i.+rt off for him. ”Suppose Hop or Kewpie had come in while we were sitting here!”

Hillman's spent the rest of the evening in celebration. In the dining-hall the appearance of any member of the squad was the signal for hand-clapping and cheers, and when Ned entered, followed by Laurie, the applause was deafening. Ned showed himself to be a very modest and retiring hero, for he fairly scuttled to his seat, and kept his head bent over his plate long after the applause had died away. Then, stealing an unhappy glance at Laurie, he found that youth grinning broadly, and was the recipient of a most meaningful wink. After supper, in the corridor, the twins ran squarely into Hop Kendrick. Ned tried to pull aside, but Laurie stood his ground. Hop was plainly a very happy youth to-night, although even when happiest he never entirely lost his look of earnest gravity.

”Well, we did it, Nid!” he said joyfully, clapping that youth on the shoulder. ”That was a corking kick of yours, son!”

Ned stammered something utterly unintelligible, but Laurie came to the rescue: ”Ned says it was the way you pointed the ball that won that goal, Hop,” he said casually. ”He's mighty modest about it.”

Hop shot a quick glance at the speaker, and Ned declared afterward that there was a smile behind it. But all he said was: ”Oh, well, pointing isn't everything, Nod. _Some one's_ got to kick it!”

When he had gone on, Ned and Laurie viewed each other questioningly.

”Think he knows?” asked Ned. Laurie shook his head frowningly. ”You've got me, partner!” he answered.

And, because neither asked Hop Kendrick outright, neither ever did know!

There were songs and speeches and a general jollification after supper, ending in a parade of cheering, singing youths who marched through the town from end to end, and at last drew up outside Doctor Hillman's porch and shouted until that gentleman appeared and responded. The Doctor's words were few, but they hit the spot, and when there had been another long cheer for him, and another long cheer for the team, and a final mighty cheer for the school, the happy boys called it a day and sought the dormitories.

Ned was just dropping off to sleep that night when Laurie's voice reached him through the darkness.

”Ned!” called Laurie.
