Part 33 (1/2)
[Footnote 75: _And the clubs out of charity knock him down,_ first edit.]
[Footnote 76: That is, _runs you up a long score_.]
[Footnote 77: This, as well as many other pa.s.sages in this work, has been appropriated by John Dunton, the celebrated bookseller, as his own. See his character of Mr. Samuel Hool, in _Dunton's Life and Errors_, 8vo, 1705, p. 337.]
[Footnote 78: ”A prison is a grave to bury men alive, and a place wherein a man for halfe a yeares experience may learne more law than he can at Westminster for an hundred pound.”--Mynshul's _Essays and Characters of a Prison_, 4to, 1618.]
[Footnote 79: _In querpo_ is a corruption from the Spanish word _cuerpo_. ”_En cuerpo, a man without a cloak_.”--Pineda's Dictionary, 1740. The present signification evidently is, that a gentleman without his serving-man, or attendant, is but half dressed:--he possesses only in part the appearance of a man of fas.h.i.+on. ”_To walk in cuerpo, is to go without a cloak.”--Glossographia Anglicana Nova_, 8vo, 1719.]
[Footnote 80: _Proper_ was frequently used by old writers for comely, or handsome.
Shakspeare has several instances of it:
”I do mistake my person all this while: Upon my life, she finds, although I cannot, Myself to be a marvellous _proper_ man.”
--_K. Richard III_. Act I. Sc. 2, &c.]
[Footnote 81: ”Why you know an'a man have not skill in the _hawking and hunting_ languages now-a-days, I'll not give a rush for him.”--_Master Stephen.
Every Man in his Humour_.]
[Footnote 82: ”Ter conatus ibi collo dare brachia circ.u.m: Ter frustra conprensa ma.n.u.s effugit imago, Par levibus ventis, volucrique simillima somno.”
--_Virgil_, aen. vi. _v_. 700.]
[Footnote 83: Probably the name of some difficult tune.]
[Footnote 84: Jump here signifies to coincide. The old play of Soliman and Perseda uses it in the same sense:
”Wert thou my friend, thy mind would _jump_ with mine.”
So in _Pierce Penilesse his Supplication to the Divele_:--”Not two of them _jump_ in one tale,” p. 29.]
[Footnote 85: _Imputation_ here must be used for _consequence_; of which I am, however, unable to produce any other instance.]