Part 5 (1/2)
6th. COMMANDER ROBERT E. PEARY reached the North Pole, 6 Ap. 1909 I. At the North Pole, 16-Pt. II:125-151
7th. WILLIAM WORDSWORTH, b. 7 Ap. 1770 I. Landor's To Wordsworth, 14:148-150 II. To the Cuckoo, 12:38-40 III. Daffodils, 12:41-42 IV. Tintern Abbey, 14:47-52 V. Lucy Gray, 10:255-258 VI. Arnold's Memorial Verses, 15:77-79
8th. PHINEAS FLETCHER, baptized, 8 Ap. 1582 I. A Hymn, 12:317 ROBERT HAVEN SCHAUFFLER, b. 8 Ap.1879 II. Earth's Easter (1915), 15:224 III. Hagedorn's Song Is So Old, 12:337
But words are things, and a small drop of ink, falling like dew, upon a thought, produces that which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think.
9th. I. Tennyson's Early Spring, 14:94-96 II. Poe's Ligeia, 4-Pt. I:37-63
10th. I. De Quincey's The Vision of Sudden Death, 4-Pt. II:119-145
11th. NAPOLEON abdicated at Fontainebleau, 11 Ap. 1814 I. Byron's Ode to Napoleon Buonaparte, 13:109-115
12th. I. Franklin's Autobiography, 6-Pt. II:3-35
13th. I. Burns's To a Mountain Daisy, 14:109-111 II. Lamb's Imperfect Sympathies, 5-Pt. II:21-34
14th. LINCOLN shot by John Wilkes Booth, 14 Ap. 1865 I. Markham's, Lincoln the Man of the People, 14:296 II. Flecker's Dying Patriot, 10:295 III. Ballad of Camden Town, 12:347
15th. ABRAHAM LINCOLN, d. 15 Ap. 1865 I. Farewell at Springfield, 5-Pt. I:70 II. Speech to 166th Ohio Regiment, 5-Pt. I:96-97 III. Letters to Mrs. Lincoln, 5-Pt. I:113-114 IV. To Grant, 5-Pt. I:121 V. Whitman's O Captain! My Captain! 15:105-106 t.i.tanic Sunk, 15 Ap. 1912 VI. Van d.y.k.e's Heroes of the t.i.tanic, 10:305
Many times the reading of a book has made the fortune of a man--has decided his way of life.
16th. I. Herbert's Easter, 15:152-153 II. Franklin's Motion for Prayers, 6-Pt. II: 62-164 III. Necessary Hints, 6-Pt. II: 160-161
17th. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, d. 17 Ap. 1790 I. Franklin's Autobiography, 6-Pt. II:35-75 DR. CHARLES H. PARKHURST, b. 17 Ap. 1842 II. A Remarkable Dream, 8-Pt. I:79-80
18th. RICHARD HARDING DAVIS, b. 18 Ap. 1864 I. Mr. Travers's First Hunt, 22-Pt. I:135 II. A Slave to Duty, 8-Pt. I:66-67
19th. Battles of Lexington and Concord, 19 Ap. 1775 I. Emerson's Concord Hymn, 12:218-219 Siege of Ratisbon, 19-23 Ap. 1809 II. Browning's Incident of the French Camp, 10:213-214
20th. I. Campbell's Ye Mariners of England, 10: 150-151 II. Lincoln's Response to Serenade, 5-Pt. I: 98-100 WILLIAM H. DAVIS, b. 20 Ap. 1870 III. Davies's Catharine, 11:327
21st. CHARLOTTE BRONTe, b. 21 Ap. 1816 I. Charlotte Bronte, 17-Pt. I:121-132 II. Thackeray's De Juventute, 1-Pt. I:65-87
22nd. I. Riley's The Elf-Child, 8-Pt. I:34-36 II. A Liz-Town Humorist, 8-Pt. I:48-49 III. Carlyle's The Watch Tower, 2-Pt. I:129-133 UNITED STATES DAY CELEBRATED IN FRANCE 22 Ap. 1917 IV. Van d.y.k.e's The Name of France, 15:224
Knowing I loved my books, he furnished me, From my own library, with volumes that I prize above my dukedom.