Part 3 (1/2)
29th. ADELAIDE RISTORI, b. 30 Ja. 1822 I. Adelaide Ristori, 17-Pt. II:109-119 II. Thackeray's On Being Found Out, 1-Pt. I:104-115
30th. WALTER SAVAGE LANDOR, b. 30 Ja. 1775 I. Rose Aylmer,15:119 II. The Maid's Lament, 15:119-120 III. Mother I Cannot Mind My Wheel, 12:273 IV. On His Seventy-fifth Birthday, 13:278 V. Ruskin's The Two Boyhoods, 1-Pt. II:3-23
31st. I. Carlyle's Essay on Biography, 2-Pt. I:3-3l
I. Morris's February,14:102-103 II. Belloc's South Country,12:331 III. Early Morning, 13:294
2nd. W.R.BENET, b. 2 F. 1886 I. Tricksters, 13:288 II. Hodgson's Eve, 11:324 III. The Gypsy Girl, 14:299
3rd. SIDNEY LANIER, b. 3 F. 1842 I. The Marshes of Glynn, 14:55-61 II. A Ballad of Trees and the Master, 12:316-317 III. The Stirrup Cup, 13:283
4th. THOMAS CARLYLE, d. 4 F. 1881 81 I. Mirabeau, 2-Pt. I:79-86 II. Ghosts, 2-Pt. I:134-137 III. Labor, 2-Pt. I:138-145
Borrow therefore, of those golden morning hours, and bestow them on your book.
5th. I. De Quincey's On the Knocking at the Gate In Macbeth, 4-Pt. II:100-107
6th. SIR HENRY IRVING, b. 6 F. 1838 I. Sir Henry Irving, 17-II:39-47
7th. CHARLES d.i.c.kENS, b. 7 F. 1812 I. The Trial for Murder, 21-Pt. I:1-19
8th. JOHN RUSKIN, b. 8 F. 1819 I. The Slave s.h.i.+p, 1-Pt. II:27-29 II. Art and Morals, 1-Pt. II:103-132 III. Peace, 1-Pt. II:135-137
9th. GEORGE ADE, b. 9 F. 1866 I. The Fable of the Preacher, 9-Pt. II:67-71 II. The Fable of the Caddy, 9-Pt. II:93-94 III. The Fable of the Two Mandolin Players, 9-Pt. II:13l-136
10th. SIR JOHN SUCKLING, baptized 10 F. 1609 I. Encouragements to a Lover, 13:122 II. Constancy, 12:122-123 E. W. TOWNSEND, b. 10 F. 1855 III. Chimmie Meets the d.u.c.h.ess, 9-Pt. I 109-114
11th. I. Brooke's Dust, 12:341 II. 1914--V--The Soldier, 15: 228 III. Guiterman's In the Hospital, 15:203
The scholar, only, knows how dear these silent, yet eloquent, companions of pure thoughts and innocent hours become in the season of adversity. When all that is worldly turns to dross around us, these only retain their steady value.
--Was.h.i.+ngton Irving.
February 12th to 18th
12th. Abraham Lincoln, b. 12 F. 1809 I. Lincoln, 16-Pt. I:93-141
13th. I. Irving's The Stout Gentleman, 3-Pt. II: 129-145
14th. W. T. Sherman, d. 14 F. 1891 I. General William Tec.u.mseh Sherman, 16-Pt. II:32-61
15th. Charles Bertrand Lewis (”M. Quad”) b. 15 F. 1842 I. The Patent Gas Regulator, 9-Pt. II:3-7 II. Two Cases of Grip, 8-Pt. I:50-53