Part 23 (1/2)

5. Everything that is called sin is embraced in this sin 109-110.

6. How marriage with the children of the true Church was despised 111.

7. Their desire to marry thus resembled Eve's desire to take the forbidden apple 112.

8. Why the patriarchs' children took this step 113.

9. How these marriage alliances were formed 114-116.

10. Berosus' testimony concerning these forbidden marriages 116.



1. By the ”giants” or tyrants.

a. What is to be understood by tyrants 117.

* The pope resembles the tyrants before the flood 118.

b. The nature of these tyrants 119.

c. Why called Nephilim 120-122.

d. Whether they received their name from their size or from their cruelty 123.

* How the Scriptures designate true rulers 123.

e. These tyrants types of Antichrist 123.

f. They were raging, powerful and criminal characters 124.

* Of authorities.

(1) How G.o.d wants us to honor the authorities though he terribly threatens them 125-126.

(2) Why G.o.d wants them to be honored, when he himself does not honor them 127.

(3) G.o.dless rulers are G.o.d's swine and are rare birds in heaven 128.

g. Whether these tyrants were rulers and why G.o.d called them by such a shameful name 129.

h. Moses chose the word Nephilim, which in his day designated a wicked people, to express the tyrants of the first World 130.

2. By ”the mighty men.”

a. How Jerome perverts this text 131.

b. What is to be understood by ”the mighty men that were of old” 131.