Volume II Part 13 (1/2)
”No, I was to go to Vaucouleurs, and Robert de Baudricourt would give me soldiers to go with me to France; and I answered, saying that I was a poor girl who did not know how to ride, neither how to fight.”
Then she told how she was balked and interrupted at Vaucouleurs, but finally got her soldiers, and began her march.
”How were you dressed?”
The court of Poitiers had distinctly decided and decreed that as G.o.d had appointed her to do a man's work, it was meet and no scandal to religion that she should dress as a man; but no matter, this court was ready to use any and all weapons against Joan, even broken and discredited ones, and much was going to be made of this one before this trial should end.
”I wore a man's dress, also a sword which Robert de Baudricourt gave me, but no other weapon.”
”Who was it that advised you to wear the dress of a man?”
Joan was suspicious again. She would not answer.
The question was repeated.
She refused again.
”Answer. It is a command!”
”Pa.s.sez outre,” was all she said.
So Beaupere gave up the matter for the present.
”What did Baudricourt say to you when you left?”
”He made them that were to go with me promise to take charge of me, and to me he said, 'Go, and let happen what may!'” (Advienne que pourra!) After a good deal of questioning upon other matters she was asked again about her attire. She said it was necessary for her to dress as a man.
”Did your Voice advise it?”
Joan merely answered placidly:
”I believe my Voice gave me good advice.”
It was all that could be got out of her, so the questions wandered to other matters, and finally to her first meeting with the King at Chinon. She said she chose out the King, who was unknown to her, by the revelation of her Voices. All that happened at that time was gone over.
”Do you still hear those Voices?”
”They come to me every day.”
”What do you ask of them?”
”I have never asked of them any recompense but the salvation of my soul.”
”Did the Voice always urge you to follow the army?”
He is creeping upon her again. She answered: