Part 42 (1/2)

”Princesses don't earn money; they have it.”

”Suppose the Princess were enchanted--or--or something? Oh, you may not think me serious, but I really don't know what I shall do, if my s.h.i.+p doesn't come in pretty soon.”

He looked quizzically at me; he thinks I plead poverty as a joke; Cadge would never tell him how I have tried to borrow.

”'Twould be a hard case, supposing it possible,” he said, ”because you would want a good deal of money, and because you'd be a bother to have 'round--too beautiful. You couldn't sell many newspaper stories, because you'd soon cease to be a novelty as a special, and would get a press ticket to City Hall Park. Reporting's another coloured horse altogether-- poor pay, and takes training to get it. Beauty's a disadvantage even there; too much beauty. Tell you what you could do, though, if ever you _should_ want to earn money--go on the stage.”

”Girl I knew,” said Cadge, ”made a pot of money going round to summer resorts, giving women lessons, energizing and decomposing; kind of Delsarte; said it made her 'most die--to see 'em rolling on the floor like elephants, trying to get lean, and eating 'emselves fat four times a day, with caramels between--and not be able to laugh. Might try the Barnard girls. It can't be sure beauty to be up there; I've seen some of 'em. Say now; that's not so bad--'How to be Helen; in Twenty Lessons.' Or say, Princess; answer the great question: 'Does Soap Hurt the Skin?'”

She grinned. Cadge fancies, I suppose, that by any mail I may get a big check from home.

”You display almost human intelligence,” said Pros, admiringly; ”stage's better, though.”

”But, Mr. Reid, that's too public.”

”Inherited instinct; no more public than--than being a beauty.” He gazed at me with mild audacity,--”Money getting's prosaic, off the stage. Most girls who want cash become tiddlety-wink typewriters at eight per; bargain price; fully worth four. Now that isn't your cla.s.s; if $8 a week would satisfy you, which it wouldn't, do you suppose there's an office in town that'd have you? Men won't subject their clerks to the white light of beauty; wives won't stand for it, either. There are places where no girl can get work unless she's pulchritudinous. Catch the idea? A pretty London barmaid can't draw more beer than an ugly one, but draws more custom.

What's a Princess to do with such jobs? You'd be like the man who wouldn't be fool enough to marry any woman who'd be fool enough to have him--in getting work, I mean. This is the other side of all that rot about Woman's Century and Woman's Widening Sphere. Never go into an office, Miss Wins.h.i.+p; my wife won't, when we're married.”

”'Cause she'll be in one already,” interrupted Cadge; ”why, if I had to mope 'round all day in a flat, I'd be driven to drink--club tea. Imagine it; Cadge Bryant a clubwoman!”

”Clubwomaning is exciting enough, election time.”

”But men get money,” I persisted. ”Isn't there anything a girl can do?”

”I've a sister,” said Reid, ”--other sister out in Cincinnati--who wants a profession; law's the one I'm recommending. It's so harmless. Course she'll never have any practice; she won't get out and hustle with the greasy Yahoudis who run the bar now-a-days. No, so long as my sister has the career fever, I say law, every time. Cadge, why don't you study law?”

”The dear boy does so enjoy talking nonsense,” Cadge explained indulgently.

”In ordinary business,” Reid went on, ”pretty women are only employed as lures for men. Swell milliners have 'em to overawe with their great grieving eyes the Hubbies who're inclined to kick at market rates for bonnets. Now there's dry goods, chief theme of half the race. You'd think there'd be a show there for a pretty girl; well, there ain't. It's retail trade; one girl can sell about as many papers of pins in a day as another.”

”Some pretty cloak and suit models get big wages,” said Cadge.

”Yes, in the jobbing houses. That's wholesale trade, and every d.i.c.ker counts. Have to corset themselves to death, though.”

”It's a fact,” Cadge put in. ”Many's the filler I've written about it.

Girl has to destroy her beauty to get a living by her beauty.”

”Sure! Fas.h.i.+ons not made to fit women, but women to fit fas.h.i.+ons. Then those girls have an awful time, if they're careful about their a.s.sociates.

Why, it's getting so a model is expected to sell goods herself--held responsible if she doesn't. No sale, no job next week. See the situation,”

Pros. added, ”--on the one hand the buyer, a vain man away from home, with thousands to invest; on the other a girl who must get that money for her firm. Well, of course it's not so bad as that, but----”

”But _I_ wouldn't corset myself Redfern shape and go into such horrid places for the world,” I cried.

No more than Judge Baker, or Father, or any one else, could Reid see my situation. What do I care about earning $8 a week--or $80? I must have a great deal of money, at once; to pay my debts and to live upon. Men get money quickly--in Wall Street or by inventions or----

”Course not,” said Pros. ”You're the Princess; and Princesses may be Honorary Presidents and ask questions and take an interest, but they don't do things.”

”Pros. is right about the stage,” said Cadge; ”that's the best sort of wholesale business. You sell a chance to look at you to fifteen hundred people at once; and folks can't paw you over to see how your clothes fit, either. I'd like it myself, but I'm too--well, after all, I might do; I'm at least picturesquely ugly.”