Part 45 (1/2)

”Ned, you don't seem to understand!”

”I hates to lie, Mister Jodie, but I gwine t' do it for Stray. This mornin' Mister Wes by early. Say he be fetchin' the Law! I gets plum worried!”

”If Mister Wes does bring the sheriff, he-”

”I wants you to take me to town, Mister Jodie, quick as you can. I gwine t' tell the Lawmens I killed Mister Ward 'fore I lets them take the boy!”

”No, Ned! No! That wouldn't do! It'd just make matters Worse!”

”Papa, come look here at my sh.e.l.l!”

”Baby, don't bother me right now!”

”See? Stray's got lots of them. He just give me one, and Shoogie one.”

”One what?”

I could tell Papa wasn't half listening.

”A done-shot sh.e.l.l, Papa. See? It's pretty yellow. See? And Stray may give me his best one, too!”

Papa wouldn't take time to look. Stray emptied another handful of out of his pocket and spread them on the floor, but before I could decide which one to beg for, Papa called Stray to come over to the other side of the store and talk to him and Ned and Black Idd.

”Come on, Stray. Com'ere. We've gotta straighten out just what happened in that cornfield Sunday evening before the sheriff and Mister Hawk and all of them get here. It'll be too late then.”

While Shoogie and I were standing all the up straight along a crack in the floor, Papa kept on telling Stray not to be scared and that everything was going to be all right.

And Black Idd told Stray not to be afraid of Papa. I noticed Papa was talking to Stray the very same way he talked to me any time he wanted me to be good and not bad.

”I don't aim to scold you a-tall, Stray. Just tell me how come you to shoot Ned's gun.”

”I ain't teched the trigger, Mister Jodie. Pa Ned draps his gun and hit goes off. I just picks. .h.i.t up off'n the ground.”

”The Lawd be praised! Hear that, Mister Jodie? The chile didn't kill him! The boy didn't do hit, Mister Jodie! O Lawd G.o.d, is I glad!”

”I'm glad too, Ned. But I don't know how many folks will believe your gun went off accidentally and killed Ward. I declare, I don't know what to tell you. It would take the wisdom of Solomon to straighten the tangle we're fixing to have here in a few minutes-if I don't think of something quick!”

”Pa Ned, I wants to tell Mister Jodie somethin'. Mister Jodie, I- Mister Jodie, when we was- Uh, I gets me a new sh.e.l.l, Mister Jodie, when I see'd-”

Black Idd leaned over and tapped his cane against Stray's back. ”Son, this ain't no time for talkin' to Mister Jodie. He worried. Mister Jodie, I hears 'em comin'!”

”Yeah! It's them!”

Both Shoogie and I ran to the window. ”Oh, Papa! Look a-yonder! Look comin'!” Papa didn't come.

”Come see, Papa! It's a big gang of men and horses just a-galloping and kicking up dust! Look how fast they're coming up the hill! Mister Wes is in the buggy with a town man! There's Uncle Dan! And Mister Goode! Just ever'body!”

Papa still didn't come. I didn't have time to turn around to see what he was doing. I knew he could hear me!

”The automobile! Papa, Wiley's making it go! Him and Doctor Elton! Grandpa's on it! Papa, how come all that smoke's boiling outta the back end? Is it gonna burn up?”

Papa wouldn't answer. And he didn't know what he was missing!