Part 27 (1/2)
”Careful! Don't yank so hard, Wiley-you'll get him all tangled up. If you'll just read the directions, you'll see how he climbs up the string.”
”Yeah! Look at him! I don't need no directions!”
”Mierd. Com'ere. You're next on the presents. I bought this for you in New York City the day after the Armistice was signed.”
Mierd grinned as our oldest brother handed her a small, slick, black box not more than half the size of a biscuit. I could hardly wait for her to open it!
She didn't know how.
”Mash the little bra.s.s catch on the side,” Walker told her.
As soon as Mierd pushed in the little k.n.o.b, the lid flew up. She started squealing and jumping!
”It's a ring! A gold finger ring! Gee, thanks, Walker! Oh, ain't it pretty!”
”Let's hope it fits.”
Mierd slipped the ring on her middle finger and dashed back over to the supper table to hold her hand close to the lamp. She turned her finger from side to side, making the gold ring s.h.i.+ne and sparkle. To get a close look at it, I had to jump up on the end of the bench and lean across the corner of the table.
”Lemme wear it a little bit, Mierd.”
”No, Bandershanks! I'm not gonna ever, ever take it off.”
”I'm not stingy. It's my ring! And it's pure gold! Anyhow, Bandershanks, they brought you lots of pretties, too. Look there spread out on the table: a beaded purse with real money in it, and a yellow soap doll, and pink beads to wear around your neck!”
”I want a ring.”
”You ain't big enough yet to wear rings!”
I picked up my doll. Walker had said it was solid soap, through and through. Poor little thing. She smelled sweet, but she was as naked as a jaybird. I covered her with my napkin, and once I had it folded and patted down, it looked just as good as a sure-'nough doll blanket.
Where could I put my new doll to sleep when bedtime came? And where were all the rest of us going to sleep? Mama had said before all my big brothers and sisters came home that we didn't have but seven beds, counting the narrow cot in the side room.
”Where're we all gonna sleep?” I asked Mama as soon as she came over to bring the stack of corn bread.
Gertie heard me. ”Oh, you don't have to worry, Bandershanks.
We can slip you down in a tow sack and hang you in the corner!”
”No, y'all can't neither! I don't wanta sleep in no sack!”
”Well, good gracious! Don't get so mad. I was just teasing.
We're gonna make a nice big quilt pallet down on the floor for you and Farris and little Cleburne.”
”Right in front of the fireplace. You think that'll be all right?”
”Yeah, I reckon.”
Mama told me there would be plenty of beds for everybody, and Gertie didn't say anything else about a sack. She started talking to Grandpa and her husband Henry about how dim the lamplight seemed.