Volume Ii Part 61 (2/2)
BELIEF IN ONESELF.-In our times we mistrust every one who believes in himself. Formerly this was enough to make people believe in one. The recipe for finding faith now runs: ”Spare not thyself! In order to set thy opinion in a credible light, thou must first set fire to thy own hut!”
AT ONCE RICHER AND POORER.-I know a man who accustomed himself even in childhood to think well of the intellectuality of mankind-in other words, of their real devotion as regards things of the intellect, their unselfish preference for that which is recognised as true-but who had at the same time a modest or even depreciatory view of his own brain (judgment, memory, presence of mind, imagination). He set no value on himself when he compared himself with others. Now in the course of years he was compelled, first once and then in a hundred ways, to revise this verdict. One would have thought he would be thoroughly satisfied and delighted. Such, in fact, was to some extent the case, but, as he once said, ”Yet a bitterness of the deepest dye is mingled with my feeling, such as I did not know in earlier life; for since I learnt to value men and myself more correctly, my intellect seems to me of less use. I scarcely think I can now do any good at all with it, because the minds of others cannot understand the good. I now always see before me the frightful gulf between those who could give help and those who need help. So I am troubled by the misfortune of having my intellect to myself and of being forced to enjoy it alone so far as it can give any enjoyment. But to give is more blessed than to possess, and what is the richest man in the solitude of a desert?”(28)
HOW WE SHOULD ATTACK.-The reasons for which men believe or do not believe are in very few people as strong as they might be. As a rule, in order to shake a belief it is far from necessary to use the heaviest weapon of attack. Many attain their object by merely making the attack with some noise-in fact, pop-guns are often enough. In dealing with very vain persons, the semblance of a strong attack is enough. They think they are being taken quite seriously, and readily give way.
DEATH.-Through the certain prospect of death a precious, fragrant drop of frivolity might be mixed with every life-and now, you singular druggist-souls, you have made of death a drop of poison, unpleasant to taste, which makes the whole of life hideous.
REPENTANCE.-Never allow repentance free play, but say at once to yourself, ”That would be adding a second piece of folly to the first.” If you have worked evil, you must bethink yourself of doing good. If you are punished for your actions, submit to the punishment with the feeling that by this very submission you are somehow doing good, in that you are deterring others from falling into the same error. Every malefactor who is punished has a right to consider himself a benefactor to mankind.
BECOMING A THINKER.-How can any one become a thinker if he does not spend at least a third part of the day without pa.s.sions, men, and books?