Volume Ii Part 60 (2/2)

LOSING OURSELVES.-When we have first found ourselves, we must understand how from time to time to _lose_ ourselves and then to find ourselves again.-This is true on the a.s.sumption that we are thinkers. A thinker finds it a drawback always to be tied to one person.


WHEN IT IS NECESSARY TO PART.-You must, for a time at least, part from that which you want to know and measure. Only when you have left a city do you see how high its towers rise above its houses.


AT NOONTIDE.-He to whom an active and stormy morning of life is allotted, at the noontide of life feels his soul overcome by a strange longing for a rest that may last for months and years. All grows silent around him, voices sound farther and farther in the distance, the sun s.h.i.+nes straight down upon him. On a hidden woodland sward he sees the great G.o.d Pan sleeping, and with Pan Nature seems to him to have gone to sleep with an expression of eternity on their faces. He wants nothing, he troubles about nothing; his heart stands still, only his eye lives. It is a death with waking eyes. Then man sees much that he never saw before, and, so far as his eye can reach, all is woven into and as it were buried in a net of light. He feels happy, but it is a heavy, very heavy kind of happiness.-Then at last the wind stirs in the trees, noontide is over, life carries him away again, life with its blind eyes, and its tempestuous retinue behind it-desire, illusion, oblivion, enjoyment, destruction, decay. And so comes evening, more stormy and more active than was even the morning.-To the really active man these prolonged phases of cognition seem almost uncanny and morbid, but not unpleasant.


TO BEWARE OF ONE'S PORTRAIT-PAINTER.-A great painter, who in a portrait has revealed and put on canvas the fullest expression and look of which a man is capable, will almost always think, when he sees the man later in real life, that he is only looking at a caricature.


THE TWO PRINCIPLES OF THE NEW LIFE.-_First Principle_: to arrange one's life on the most secure and tangible basis, not as. .h.i.therto upon the most distant, undetermined, and cloudy foundation. _Second Principle_: to establish the rank of the nearest and nearer things, and of the more and less secure, before one arranges one's life and directs it to a final end.


DANGEROUS IRRITABILITY.-Talented men who are at the same time _idle_ will always appear somewhat irritated when one of their friends has accomplished a thorough piece of work. Their jealousy is awakened, they are ashamed of their own laziness, or rather, they fear that their active friend will now despise them even more than before. In such a mood they criticise the new achievement, and, to the utter astonishment of the author, their criticism becomes a revenge.

