Part 26 (1/2)

”Come along, then; but be careful.”

They walked up the lane together, and then struck into the pines. The policeman followed them, and, himself unseen, keeping them in sight, traced them into the cabin of Phaedra.

Then having, as it were, pointed his game, he ran back as fast as possible, sprang over the hedge, ran down the lane, crossed the highway, sprang over a second hedge dividing the road from Major Hewitt's plantation, hastened up to that gentleman's house, gave the alarm, procured the a.s.sistance of the overseer and the gardener, both Irishmen, and with this reinforcement hastened back to the scene of action.

They found Phaedra's cabin quiet enough. To the knock of the policeman the old woman's voice responded, ”Come in.”

They entered, and found no one within except Phaedra and the old negro preacher, Portiphar--no sign of Valentine. As the cabin contained but one room, with but one door and window, and no loft or outbuildings, the premises were easily searched. The little room was also very scantily furnished; a rag carpet concealed the rough floor, a rude bed stood in one corner, a cupboard in another, an oak chest in a third, a pine table in the fourth; a couple of chairs, a few stools, etc., completed the appointments. The cupboard was opened, the big chest ransacked, the bed and bedstead pulled to pieces, the chimney inspected, but no trace of the fugitive could be found.

Phaedra was questioned; but she sadly shook her head and remained dumb.

The old negro preacher was examined, but he replied evasively, that he had just come, and knew nothing about it, while at the same time he kept his eyes strangely fixed upon the corner of the room occupied by Phaedra's bed.

Yet, the policeman had pulled that bed to pieces and found nothing, and now did not know what to make of Portiphar's pertinacious gaze. At last a bright idea struck him. He took the poker and began sounding the floor. He went on sounding foot by foot until he approached the bed.

Turning then, he saw Phaedra's face haggard with the most frightful expression of terror and anxiety. Dragging the bedstead away by main force he began to sound the corner. The floor returned a hollow echo; he was satisfied.

It was but the work of a moment to turn up the carpet, to lift up a loose plank and to discover the mouth of the excavation below.

He knelt upon his knees and peered down into the cavern; the mouth only opened in the corner of Phaedra's cabin; the cavern itself extended under and beneath the house. He peered down into the darkness for a few moments, and then called, in a not unkindly voice:

”Valentine, my poor fellow, you may as well come out; the game is up with you!”

A moment pa.s.sed, and then Valentine, indeed, appeared above the opening.

”Give me time to change my dress, Mr. Pomfret,” he said, for he was still in his woman's gown.

This was granted. The change was soon effected, and he came forth and gave himself up, only saying, as they took him away:

”Mother, tell my friends that the traitor at your side betrayed me to death!” And he regretted these words as soon as they were spoken.

Phaedra had not heard them; she seemed praying--she had really fainted.



You few that love me, And dare be bold to weep for such as I-- My gentle friends and fellows, whom to leave Is only bitter to me, only dying-- Go with me, like good angels, to mine end, And when the long divorce of death falls on me, Make of your prayers one most sweet sacrifice, And lift my soul to heaven.--SHAKESPEARE.

The news of the arrest of Valentine spread rapidly over the city and surrounding country, creating everywhere an intense excitement, and reviving all the deep interest that had been felt two years before, at the epoch of the crime.

This excitement prevailed all around Fannie, yet she knew nothing of it, or at least of its cause. There was no one found willing to carry this sorrowful intelligence to her, whom it most concerned; and she remained in total ignorance of the arrest of her husband until the next day, which being, she was looking forward, as usual, to an early closing of the shop, and a walk out into the country, to spend the night and the Sabbath with her old mother, and to comfort Valentine, when, unexpectedly, poor Phaedra, recovered in some degree from the shock she had received, and accompanied by Elisha, arrived at her daughter's humble little home.

With all possible consideration and gentleness the old negro preacher broke the intelligence of Valentine's imprisonment to Fannie.

But, alas! if all fateful antecedents had not led her to antic.i.p.ate this consequence, what further possible preparation could fit her to receive such intelligence? And, indeed, in any event, what preparation would soften such calamity?

Poor Fannie's frame was very delicate, and her heart by many blows had become physically feeble, and was, at best, a very imperfect instrument of her will. Had it not been so, the poor girl might have better borne up; as it was, she succ.u.mbed to the new blow, and a night of dangerous illness followed.

Yet, the next morning Fannie insisted on leaving her bed, and though apparently more dead than alive, and having to be supported between Phaedra and old Elisha, she went to the prison to see Valentine.