Part 55 (1/2)

”No, no,” came the reply. ”It is Romola. I--I am leaving you!”

”Ah! Where is Jen?”

Bellowing inquiry came down to them: ”Who is that? What do you want?”

The girl called back: ”The wireless operator. He is sick. Drop the ladder. Send down some one to carry him.”

The sampan was swinging about, and the coolie was paddling like mad.

”River boat--for Ching-Fu?” Peter gasped.

”No. The _King of Asia_. Peter--can you understand? I am leaving you! This is good-by! I--I--we will never see each other again. I--I couldn't turn you over to that man!”

”But the candle----” Peter was miserably confused. ”You raised it--once! I said no!”

Romola seemed to become rather hysterical. ”I tricked them, Peter!

Oh, won't you understand? I do love you, Peter! I couldn't give you to them!”

”No,” he muttered; ”I don't understand. I--I'm dizzy.”

The voice was bellowing again.

”Is that Peter Moore? What's happened to him?”

”He's sick--sick! Send down a watchman. Hurry! This tide is carrying us away!”

Something bounded into the sampan. A brown coil was flattened against the gleaming black wall.

But Peter could not understand. He was back again in the cellar under Romola's house, mumbling insanely about a candle-light. Perhaps he dreamed that hot lips were pressed lingeringly against his own. Over and over he heard a fading voice; it was saying: ”Good-by!--_Ch'ing_!”

The glaring sun was in his face. He shut his eyes. The lips seemed to be torn from his in a cry of anguish. Strong arms encircled his waist, and he was no longer aware of the motion of the sampan.

It was late in the day when Peter opened his eyes again, closed them, and stared at the mattress and springs of a bunk over his head. He was lying on his back in his stateroom. Smoky afternoon sunlight, reflected from a s.h.i.+mmering surface, sparkled and bubbled against the white enameled wall.

His head was aching a little, and there were numerous jumping pains in various parts of his body. He had been dreaming. All of these things that had come and gone with the fading of the night were figments of a slumbering brain. The last portion of the dream which he could visualize distinctly was his act of arising from a wireless machine in a house that had gone mad, to confront a tall Chinese who wore a ridiculously stubby pigtail, like that of Jen, the deck-steward.

He sat up, governed by a sudden worry. Where were the Whipple girls and Anthony? What had become of that das.h.i.+ng British lieutenant, Milton Raynard?

Peter arose hastily from bed, and examined a pale and gaunt countenance in the small mirror above the wash-stand. Dark lines had come under his eyes, and the deep-blue pupils seemed to kindle with a peculiar brilliancy. He had seen that look in other eyes, and another fragment of the dream came back to him. He licked his dry lips, tasting a flavor not unlike that of opium fresh from the poppy, and of almonds.

He filled the wash-basin with cold water, took a long breath, and immersed his face for a half minute. Gasping, he came out of it with pink starting into his cheeks, and his mental faculties somewhat better organized.

When he emerged from his stateroom, attired in a fresh white uniform, with his gold-and-white cap set at a jaunty angle on his head, he looked like a different man. His skin was glowing, and a youthful heart was sending recuperative tingles all over his body.

Peter took a turn about the promenade deck in search of Anthony, and was hailed by his room-boy, who had some mail for him.

He dropped these missives absently into his pocket, made further inquiries, and learned that Anthony and the Misses Whipple had come to the steamer shortly before sunrise in the launch belonging to the river gunboat _Madrusa_.

Then he knocked at Anthony's door. A tired snore, emanating from the transom, broke into a sleepy complaint.